I am lost and need some help. I have configured yast/network
services/mail transfer agent to send mail to smtp.charter.net. when mail
is sent (via scalix) the /var/log/mail shows failures to ib1.charter.net
– note NOT smtp.charter.net. port 25 is CLOSED on ib1.charter.net and
open on mail.charter.net. if I run echo “/mx
charter.net”|/usr/sbin/sendmail -bt is responds only with
ib1.charter.net!! It seems to me that sendmail is trying to use
ib1.charter.net and NOT mail.charter.net. I have read and read forums on
the web, but not been able to discover how to resolve this problem. Any
help would be most appreciated. Jon
audibiturbo’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=17363
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