Securing passwords! :)

Hello everyone.
I need some tips of how to securely store my bank accounts numbers.
First I think it might be useful to let you know that so far I have 3 banks with different passwords for different things (on-line banking, pin cards e.t.c) and thus it is not easy to memorize all them.

So far I use kwalletmanager and store them in a wallet with pretty long password (20+ characters with numbers, letters and special characters).

Please accept the following questions
A) Does kwalletmanager use a secure way of storing its files? Do you know if its files are encrypted? If not do you know any kde program that can encrypt this file? So to decrypt every time I want to read it.
B) I know that kwalletmanager keeps every wallet on a single file and thus I can put this file into a usb (in case my pc is stolen).
C) Do you know any usb devices that can encrypt the data that are written inside it? Are these linux compliant?
D) Any else tip that might come to your mind please say it so.

I would like to thank you for your help

Best Regards

Kwallet does encrypt the data.

BUT I’m not sure what data it encrypts (just the password? the whole ‘entity’?)
I’m also not sure what encryption it uses (I recall the mention of AES 256, but I could be very badly wrong so please don’t accept this answer).
You should have a strong passphrase on your wallet(s) which you seem to have so thats good :slight_smile:

I had a google (‘kwallet +encryption’), but I can’t find anything useful for you, not even on the official KDE pages, which is a bit lax imho…
Does the Help menu of kwallet tell you anything?

I use Kwallet also. Like weighty_foe, I do not know what encryption it uses.

Of course you should backup and the wallet file is especialy valuable. As I remember that I once copied such a file from one install to another and that Kwallet recocnised all my passwords this sort of backup B) is a workable thing.

C) you can create any sort of fil system on a device that mimics disks and USB storage falls into this category. Thus look for Linux encrypted file systems.

Like weighty_foe, I do not know what encryption it uses.

According to the german Wikipedia-article it uses Blowfish.

and how secure blowfish is?

Blowfish has been around for quite awhile, and is considered a well designed encryption method. Here’s the Wikipedia article.

Blowfish (cipher) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So keeping the kwallet’s file into a non-encrypted flash disk… would you consider it as a safe way to protect my data?
Do you also know if my laptop is stolen if that file might be decrypted somehow?

I would like to thank you in advance for your help
Best Regards

It is very unlikely that it will be decripted. Certainly not bby the first laptop thief around. And certainly not within the time you have to inform your banks and block the accounts.

But when people think that they may gain value big money (direct or by selling secrets they find) and have big resources …

In short, I do not think I can garantee, but I would use it on a laptop also (now it is on a desktop, but they are also stolen somethimes.

Have you considered one of the free, online, password managers such as Lastpass? Stored and encrypted locally but available (not free?) when you are not on your own pc.

Getting an online account in all sort of way is to have a password that you can use as a protection on hackers and other things that might ruin your account. If you’ve never used an online password manager as part of your online safety program, you’ve been playing with fire. Do not get burned, because password hacking is relatively simple. An online password manager can help take the target off your rear.