Hi all, I’m trying use second life on Opensuse 11.3 (64bit), but I have really bad performances with it. My PC is good to run SL, and I have no problems while run it under windows. Quad core processor, 4gb ram and and Nvidia GTX 580 graphic card, it should run smooth. I tried use many viewers but the result is always the same. It start good but after a few time performances start decreasing fast and in a couple of minutes are really bad. I use the Nvidia official driver, installed from the repository. Anyone have the same problem? I hope someone can help me fix this issue. Thank you.
Have you download wine to run it??? I don’t know about games because I am programmer and Linux only use them to build programs and programming. Download wine and send me the results. Because with wine you can run windows programmes. But with graphic card I have not problems because I have ati radeon. Anyway, I will try to find a solution to this problem. Maybe your graphic card is problematic. Show this:http://www.nvidia.com/content/DriverDownload-March2009/confirmation.php?url=/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/260.19.29/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.29.run&lang=us&type=GeForce
I never tried running it with wine, I usually use the native linux version for it, but I’ll try if with wine the problem solves. Thanks for your hint
I wouldn’t use wine and the windows version if there is a native one available. What I would try is installing the latest nVidia driver directly from their site. I believe You will have install it the hard way which is not hard. It is described here somewhere in the forums
It might also be the internet connection problem. If you’re using wireless to play the game try using a wire and see if that helps. You might want to do that before instaling the latest nVidia driver.
Best regards,
You are right, I have already given the nvidia driver.
It does not make sense to use WINE for SL!! And don’t use their buggy viewer… better use phoenix viewer for exemple. It’s working like a charm for me
I tried use Wine to run SL, but performances are not good, goes in spurts not smooth expecially when I use mouselook. Performances do not decrease fast as native linux viewer, but are bad. I had not this kind of problem some month ago running native version for linux… The problem is not correlated to the connection, because I can clearly notice the problem also when all objects around are copletely rezzed and I do not move and just play simple animation or the movement of the AO. I don’t use the official viewer but imprudence, and also tried snowglobe but same problem. I’ll try to install the graphic driver downloading it directly from Nvidia website. Thank’s all for help.
Download drivers from here:http://www.nvidia.com/content/Driver...s&type=GeForce