Searching with Strigi

Is there a true way to search Strigi’s index/database yet? I know my Google search has lead me to the following hits:

StrigiApplet | Strigi
StrigiClient | Strigi
strigi:/ KIO | Strigi :: Index and search with KDE’s new Strigi

The ones from the official sourceforge page ether didn’t help because it doesn’t give any information, or does not work. The link says to run the “strigiclient” command but that is slow, lacking abilities (running a search for a file on my system tells me that it found one copy of the file but doesn’t tell me where it is at or any other details, not very helpful if I was really searching for something). Anyone have master this so called indexing system or should I just stick with good old locate for a while longer?

Sorry do to lack of sleep I posted this in the wrong forum, can one of the mods please move this to the correct place?