when I’m searching for a problem, I would like (first) to do a search in the german forum.
Therefore I go to https://forums.opensuse.org/forum.php and select “deutsch/german”.
It appears the german forum.
If I than write my question into the input box,on the top, on the right side I get answers from the english forums too.
It depends on the words typed in. If the words are similar in english and german (like USB) I get the answers mixed from different forums.
If I use a german word like “Festplatte” it makes no sense to search in english forums.
Somewhere I found, that I have to select “search in subscribed forums”.
This I found in advanced search with “search single content type” and “search type = posts” selected.
In additional options I can select “Search subscribed forums”.
Doing this I get the message
You are not subscribed to any forums
But I didn’t find anything about subscribing forums.
I have already searched all FAQs, forum rules etc.
I would like to select the scope for the search.
For me it’s very mysterious how to do an optimized search…