How do I find files in opensuse 11.2 without using the command line. I see in dolphin “nepomuksearch”, but it doesn’t work.
Even in the command line you cannot whereis a file like Monday, Monday.mp3. whereis also seems to be case sensitive.
Also: Dolphin has an option under Tools: Search File
Whether Nepomuk works depends on the KDE4 version you have. You can see that in any KDE4 application under Help - About KDE. If you need help on Nepomuk search, start a new thread, otherwise replies etc will get mixed for both matters.
Don’t have to. You need to learn about wildcards (* ?) in linux. Example: I have a document called Knurpht-School.odt
Search for “Knurpht” returns nothing
Search for “School” returns nothing
Search for “Knurpht*” returns the doc in the list
Search for “School” returns the doc in the list
Search for “K*.od?” returns the doc in the list
An option is there to manipulate case sensitivity
The good thing about linux distros is that there will always be new things to learn, that make your life a bit easier.
I’ve been using an older version of SearchMonkey (0.81) (Searchmonkey) which was based on GTK unlike the newer one which uses Qt. If you use 64 bit linux make sure to use the 32 bit version of SearchMonkey and not the the 64 bit version as the 64 bit version is quite buggy.