Seach for files

Is there a GUI type app to search for files ?


For which desktop environment?
And how do you want to search, by filename or content?

KDE has dolphin (the file manager), kfind, and kio-locate (a frontend to locate, can therefore only search by filename).
You might have to install the latter two first, kfind is in the standard repos, kio-locate is available in KDE:Extra.

On 2014-05-28, andy77586 <> wrote:
> Is there a GUI type app to search for files ?

If you’re using KDE, try Dolphin -> Find.

Some advice,
Although you might think you might feel more comfortable using a GUI to find files, it’s actually not.
Using find, or especially locate from the command line is blindingly fast, and still very easy.

So, for instance to install the locate utility

zypper in mlocate

Once it’s installed, locate will update its database of files on your system daily, but if you want to update the database immediately because you just installed or you just did something and want to find out where the files are


Then, to find something you just run “locate” followed by the text you want to find

locate *sometex*t 

Compare how fast you get your results compared to any GUI tool.


Thanks gentlemen.
