Sdboot default configuration options?

When using grub, you’d have /etc/default/grub which stored the default configuration to be used when generating the grub.cfg used by the bootloader.

With systemd-boot, you have /boot/efi/loader/entries which for each boot entry there is a .conf file. Is there a place like with grub that stores the default config to be used when a new kernel is installed, or does it use currently booted kernel config as a template to generate a new config each time?

I want to make sure a change that I want to make is permanent.

I’d use YaST, but unfortunately it doesn’t let me go into bootloader options as it throws an error:

Internal error. Please report a bug report with logs.
Run save_y2logs to get complete logs.

Caller: /usr/share/YaST2/lib/bootloader/systemdboot_widgets.rb:55:in `init'

Details: undefined method `>=' for nil


See man kernel-install.

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