with most application i have a conventional side (and bottom) scroll bar wit a top and bottom arrow to fine tune the scrolling
however with some application like gnome or gedit i have a scroll bar WITHOUT a top and bottom arrow and then fine tuning of the scrolling can only be done with the mouse rolling button
i find this particularly annoying
any hints to solve this?
On 2013-06-03, dedalus2 <dedalus2@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> i find this particularly annoying
> any hints to solve this?
> thanks!
I have no experience of fvwm or GNOME, but if the GTK object implemented in gnumeric/gedit for a scrollbar doesn’t
feature arrows for incremental movements, I’d be very surprised if as an end-user you could somehow magic them into
existence. This leaves you with five options:
Ignore what I say (not an unreasonable option), and await a response that tells you there is configuration hack that
allows you obtain those arros (not likely IMO).
Obtain the source code for the program and implement the scrollbars with arrows and recompile it yourself.
Drop a request to the developers to ask them to implement the arrows.
Seek alternative software solutions (e.g. kate rather than gedit albeit I know of no particularly good alternatives
to gnumeric).
Accept that software is never quite the way you want and there will always be one or two annoying things about any
one application.
I think this is in the theming. I’m on KDE now, but if I run gedit, I do have the arrows on top/bottom of the scroll bar. Will check on GNOME straight away and get back here
Checked in GNOME. In my default GNOME theming the arrows are available and working. Both in gedit and gnumeric.
Try installing and using the gnome-tweak-tool and the GNOME default theming.
the point is that already tweaked a bit to get scroll bar with arrows
if i use default gnome theme, that is nothing special in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file
all the applications do NOT have the arrows
with this line in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file
gtk-theme-name = “Xfce-saltlake”
most of them BUT gedit and gnumeric are ok
when i was using Xfce before fvwm everything was ok
it looks like gedit and gnome have some overriding values which i do not understand
Using evolution and gnumeric in KDE, I have never had the arrows - so assumed that they were not a feature. Just checked: I have all the relevant gtk3 themes installed by default and the KDE tool to select a theme but changing the theme does not produce arrows, just changes the thickness of the scroll bar.
i added the following lines in /usr/share/themes/Xfce-saltlake/gtk+3.0/gtk.css
-GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper : 1;
-GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper : 1;
to tell that there should be arrows at both ends of the scroll bar
together with this line in ~/.gtkrc-2.0
gtk-theme-name = “Xfce-saltlake”
it works nice !!
thanks for your help
i expect it could be done with any theme that supports gtk3