Script run part of program as user and other part as root


Config :
leap_15.2 beta
laptop asus rog strix
config script running on real system or on a virtualbox vm Version 6.1.8 r137981 (Qt5.9.7) as well.
Using NetworkManager

The script run from usb stick on a system just after fresh install.
The script begin to source two files for setting some env variables value, and acquire some particular functions.

The script is started with sudo to be able to write data in some system files.

I have a problem with a virtualbox function which must be run as the user owning the virtualbox VM.
I use this command :

sudo runuser -l  user_install -c  'GET_MAC_ADRESS_FROM_VBOX_FILE  'Leap_15.2_APP_1'

GET_MAC_ADRESS_FROM_VBOX_FILE is the name of an exported function defined in a file sourced by the main running script.
‘Leap_15.2_APP_1’ is the name of the VM.
The problem arise because every things sourced at the beginning are not accessible when ‘sudo runuser -l user_install …’ execution.

Any help is welcome.

A bit beside your question, why are you still running the beta release where the real version is already available for some time. I assume nobody else will now still have a test version of 15.2, Which makes discussing, in the assumption that all partners use the same thing, will be difficult.

And there is an uneven number of ’ characters in your command. I do not think that will work.

Programs like sudo, runuser et al take the name of an executable, at most a shell command. But they can’t take a function available only to the parent process (how could they understand?). You might rewrite the command, sourcing the function again, then calling the function. Pass it as a command to bash. Or write a separate bash script. You can prepend env vars to the script command if needed.

That doesn’t change the question. Unless the beta version was a fake version.

Here a test program saying if a string is hexa or not.
The called function does nor care who is calling.
The function is defined in the file sourced at the beginning of execution as said in my question

function make_file_command () {


    cat << EOF > "$A_FILE_CMD2"

source /run/media/$LOG_USER/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/1_NEW_INSTALL_USER/000_CONFIG/001_FIRST_STEP_CONFIG/002_FOLDERS_TO_INSTALL_FIRST/002_01_INSTALLED_BACKUP_SYS_FOLDER/backup_sys/000_COMMON2/Bin/system_common_function


source /run/media/$LOG_USER/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/001__FUNCTIONS__/new_install_linux_VM_init

source /run/media/$LOG_USER/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/001__FUNCTIONS__/new_install_linux_VM_init_function



MY_CMD="sudo runuser -l  user_install -c  'is_hexa 01234566789ABCDEF__' "

make_file_command "$A_FILE_CMD1"
CMD="env | grep BASH_FUNC | sort"
echo "$CMD"  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo " "  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo "$MY_CMD"  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo " "  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo "RET_CODE=\$?"  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo " "  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo "echo \"RET_CODE=\$RET_CODE\""  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"
echo " "  >>  "$A_FILE_CMD1"

echo .
echo .
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------"
echo .
echo .
echo "cat \"$A_FILE_CMD1\""
cat "$A_FILE_CMD1"

bash "$A_FILE_CMD1"

here is the generated command file :

source /run/media/user_install/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/1_NEW_INSTALL_USER/000_CONFIG/001_FIRST_STEP_CONFIG/002_FOLDERS_TO_INSTALL_FIRST/002_01_INSTALLED_BACKUP_SYS_FOLDER/backup_sys/000_COMMON2/Bin/system_common_function

source /run/media/user_install/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/1_NEW_INSTALL_USER/000_CONFIG/001_FIRST_STEP_CONFIG/002_FOLDERS_TO_INSTALL_FIRST/002_01_INSTALLED_BACKUP_SYS_FOLDER/backup_sys/000_COMMON2/Bin/system_common_general_env_var

source /run/media/user_install/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/001__FUNCTIONS__/new_install_linux_env_var

source /run/media/user_install/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/001__FUNCTIONS__/new_install_linux_functions

source /run/media/user_install/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/001__FUNCTIONS__/new_install_linux_VM_init

source /run/media/user_install/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/NEW_INSTALL_LINUX/15.x/V07/2020_05_22_12h09/001__FUNCTIONS__/new_install_linux_VM_init_function

env | grep BASH_FUNC
sudo runuser -l  user_install -c  'is_hexa 01234566789ABCDEF__' 

and here is the result :

BASH_FUNC_abort_because_test%%=() {  unset A_MSG;
BASH_FUNC_activate_all_repo_but_source_debug%%=() {  local L_SUSE_VER;
BASH_FUNC_array_contains_element%%=() {  local e;
BASH_FUNC_array_to_file%%=() {  NB_PARAM=$#;
BASH_FUNC_ask_YyNn%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_ask_YyNn_timeout%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_ask_YyRr%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_ask_YyYy%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_ask_YyYy_timeout%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_config_at_next_reboot%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_get_subpath_front%%=() {  set +x;
BASH_FUNC_get_subpath_tail%%=() {  A_PATH="$1";
**BASH_FUNC_is_hexa%%=() {  local -i L_RET_CODE2;**
BASH_FUNC_is_running_in_vm%%=() {  local -i MY_FLAG=0;
BASH_FUNC_main_repositories_exists%%=() {  local -i NB=0;
BASH_FUNC_message_informal%%=() {  local -a L_ARRAY;
BASH_FUNC_message_success%%=() {  local -a L_ARRAY;
BASH_FUNC_message_warning%%=() {  local -a L_ARRAY;
BASH_FUNC_my_bash_eval%%=() {  local L_SOME_CMD="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
BASH_FUNC_my_bash_eval_find%%=() {  local L_SOME_CMD="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
BASH_FUNC_my_bash_eval_rsync%%=() {  local L_SOME_CMD="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
BASH_FUNC_my_get_salt%%=() {  date --date "$1" +%s%N
BASH_FUNC_my_rename_ext%%=() {  function my_rename_ext_suite1 () 
BASH_FUNC_ok_to_do_task%%=() {  local -i L_RET_CODE L_RUN_NO_STOP L_TIMEOUT;
BASH_FUNC_print_array_full%%=() {  local -i L_NB_ELEMENT;
BASH_FUNC_print_array_if_debug_on%%=() {  local -i L_DEBUG=0;
BASH_FUNC_print_asso_array%%=() {  L_ARRAY_NAME="$1";
BASH_FUNC_print_if_debug_on%%=() {  local -i L_DEBUG;
BASH_FUNC_read_dummy_operator_input%%=() {  local L_TEMP;
BASH_FUNC_read_dummy_operator_input_timeout%%=() {  local L_TEMP;
BASH_FUNC_read_log_on_screen%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_update_param_config_file%%=() {  L_DEBUG=0;
BASH_FUNC_yes_or_not%%=() {  local L_REPLY="";
BASH_FUNC_yes_or_not_confirm%%=() {  local -i RETURN_CODE=1;


RET_CODE=112 is an error because ‘01234566789ABCDEF__’ is not hexa

So my functions are accessible within "

sudo runuser -l user_install -c ‘is_hexa 01234566789ABCDEF__’

I shall make another test with my function GET_MAC_ADRESS_FROM_VBOX_FILE which cause problem. Perhaps it is the function itself which has problem.

I shall give news as soon as possible.

Thank you for helping.

The os is leap 15.2

I didn’t think hard enough.
Thanks for the explanation.

That’s a lot code. I know a Company named " "who can help you out in this.

Here is the link: