Hey, i’m wondering what is everyone using to record screen… I can’t seem to find anything to do this with…
check out recordmydesktop
I think it’s in the packman repos
You are correct Dave.
Since you’re using KDE I would recommend using qt-recordmydesktop as its aesthetics will integrate into KDE a lot better than the gtk version.
Take Care,
Sorry, i’m not that good at this, not sure what packman repo is or how to use it but when i went to YaST Control Center > Install Appllications and searched for recordmydesktop it didn’t find anything…
"No package found named “qt-recordmydesktop”
packman is your source for third party apps that don’t ship with osuse. you really need it for a bunch of stuff. here are directions for adding access to it
PackMan:FAQ (en) - Links2Linux
read the section about Yast
this will give you access to multimedia add-ons and a lot of other stuff
if you’re confused, ask back here, you pretty much need this
edit: here, this will help too
Haha sorry, should have been the other way around
PackMan :: Informationen zum Paket recordmydesktop-qt
You should definitely read up on repository management and how to add the basic repositories like packman. Here’s a basic tutorial, it’ll make your software management a lot easier
Repository Management - openSUSE Forums
If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Edit: If you use the one-click installer from the first link I gave you, it will automatically add the packman repository for you. But also read up with what Dave pointed out and the repository management link I gave you.
Take Care,
that’s a good tip, I didn’t know the one-click installer would add the repo
doing it by hand can be a little intimidating for a newbie
reading up on the process is excellent advice