Screen keeps turning off


Every when I don’t use my laptop about 5 minutes my screen turns black. I already set the energy setting adjust, but it’s still turning black after 5 minutes. What should I do?

Sorry for the bad grammer.

Thank you,

kde or gnome

Same problem here. OpenSuse 12.1. KDE 4.7.
screensaver is turned off. in energymanagment, everything is off for the ‘perfomance’ profile, which I’m using.

Turn screensaver OFF
And try this

I did just what you said, and it worked: 15mn without activity and my screen did not turn black.
Does it mean i cannot enable a screensaver?

Just go to System Settings > Hardware > Display and Monitor > Screen Saver.


thats not a fix thats just delaying the screen saver we need either a permanent fix or instructions how to delete the screen saver

Bit of a hijack.

How do I get to this window?

Found it. (Can’t find the edit button.)

Thanks down there. :slight_smile: (This time there is an edit button.)

How do I get to this window?

KDE Menu >> System Settings >> Power Management >>…