Scheduling system jobs??

Im looking for a list of system jobs that run and are pretty expensive.

I would like to schedule them during say 2am or something.

I notice my machine slows down sometimes cause odd jobs are running,

The machine is on all the time so its not a big deal to do it at 2am.

Thanks for the help,

They are run by the program called cron and live down
in /etc/cron.daily. Normally it runs daily 15 minutes after the system
is started, you can however change the default via editing the
variable DAILY_TIME in /etc/sysconfig/cron.

If you don’t need the beagle program remove it all via YaST as this is
a system hogger.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 1 day 13:24, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.06
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 173.14.12

Hash: SHA1

You can also schedule things directly in /etc/crontab or in any user’s
own crontab file accessible via crontab -e. See man 5 crontab for
data on how to use /etc/crontab properly.

Good luck.

Malcolm wrote:

> Hi
> They are run by the program called cron and live down
> in /etc/cron.daily. Normally it runs daily 15 minutes after the system
> is started, you can however change the default via editing the
> variable DAILY_TIME in /etc/sysconfig/cron.
> If you don’t need the beagle program remove it all via YaST as this is
> a system hogger.
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Any suggestions for a production mysql server?

System is a dell 2950, with 8GB of memory, 8 2.5Ghz processors, raid 5 sata 15k’s…

Server is blazing fast, firewall kicks everyone off around 2am and backsup via a custom little cron job.

I did notice some processes that started running around 10am.

System never gets rebooted,

Ive had my suse 11 box at home running 24/7 for a few weeks with no problems, so hoping the mysql server does the same.

Thanks for the help!