There is a bug in the options - ‘MHR’. H and R are not recorded in the scanlogs. All possible combinations need to be checked. I’ll post the fixed scanvirus file as soon as possible.
MHR options work normally, no bugs. So, I have one idea left. Make the defaults for the scanlogs more friendly for import into libre office calc.
Note, you will need to manually change any existing logs to get the better format.
Currently designing…
Semicolons work well as separators for Libree Office Calc.
ScanLogFormat= %o;%s;%f;%n;%c;%t;%d;%p
Converting the logs didn’t take long. You just need to understand the format. One problem, it causes issues with readability.
#scanvirus -a cuHR | tr ‘;’ ’ ’
pipe translate ‘;’ to space
You can use ‘|’ for neat columns. For the ‘scanvirus -vl’ output, i’m designing a fixed columns format.
ScanLogFieldsBar= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
This app is so huge. I forgot where or what this does …
#Software License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International | Creative Commons
#Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
#NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
#NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
The final upgrade, unless I come up with something else or if anyone makes a suggestion, will be padding scanvirus config additions. After this, the version will be locked down to --v1.03–.
%c Command Options + more
%c= 0 → no padding
%c= 10 → 10 - string length spaces
;CuHR ;
This version adds a new formatting variable to command_options to make the logs line up. This will expire in one month.
sha512sum scanvirus
7f9b812137efab00ccca3547567e361f3490d393293712552b23843b453016deca510945344abea4c6207fea39278750f1307fe27ece4336d51c7f714013cc05 scanvirus
Required - edit ‘scanvirus.cfg’
ScanLogFieldsBar= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Watermark= Default_Text
Scan Log Format
%o OS Type %s Virus Status
%f Scan Folder %n Scan Time
%c Command Options %t Time Stamp
%d Date Stamp %p Partition Log/Excluded Scan Folders
%w Watermark %% Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o;%s;%f;%n;%c;%t;%d;%p
Field_Command_Options= 10
Most common commands - recommended value 5
scanvirus -a cuRH
scanvirus -a cuM
scan main linux files
scan root and home folders
This will be the last upload for the year, unless have any bug fixes or new additions.
Currently, I have no new ideas. If anyone has any suggestions or notice bugs, let me know.
So, I’ve seen lots of games have “easter eggs”. So, I have idea for non-security related function or more other commands. I’ll just put it in there and you figure out what it’s function No names, two or three letters. I’ll start with this one…
This is the final update message before the v1.03 stable release. There is glitch in file permissions. Every time a new file is created by scanvirus, the permissions are slightly different. When you start again, it will correct it. The fix is simple, but it will alter the general starting file permissions. I’m debating to make the fix or just leave it alone.
For those paying attention, the easter egg function is ‘-btl’. It won’t be in the help menu, since it’s not a security function. No information will be there. You will have to figure out what is it’s function. No reward, maybe bragging rights.