Scanvirus Stable V1.00 Release

I’m adding a scanlog entry every time you use ‘-cl’ for security reasons.

I now have a structure for the linux scan filter - usb flash drives or sata (not usb).

debugging IP

Command letters: Internal or External (?)

Scanvirus beta 1.01

virus scan windows files
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: i   mask by internal drives - scan not usb  (optional) 
    p2: e   mask by usb drive       - scan usb      (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove 'scan interrupted' lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

Start Date: 2021:02:25 21:25:44
End Date:   2021:02:25 21:26:04

This is a new feature of the clamscan engine.

This version has been heavily tested. If you find any bugs, post here.

The new internal and external drive functions are for mswin drives only. You can still scan linux drives manually with ‘scanvirus -l f /path’.

I need to design a system to work with linux flash drives.

I keep having to scroll up every time I want the version #, using ‘-v’. I need to separate them, getting annoying. :stuck_out_tongue:

scanvirus -v
view version info
scanvirus -vc
view cfg file

The mswin scan is working. It’s easy to use and enough features for common tasks. mswin drives internal and/or usb.

Bug: On my systems, suspend has stopped working, but power off still works.

Design issues:

scanvirus -l
Operates more as a scan all function: internal and external usbs - mswin and linux flash drives. This function will be renamed as:
scanvirus -a
same commands. I need to rename some code functions too. Simple.

scanfolder moved to mswin and linux ‘partition_scan’?
scanfolder as new command? ←

If I use the mswin code, I should be able to build a linux function that uses the same commands.
In addition, I’ll add cfg code to have linux drive type list (same function as the mswin list.)


I was able to adapt the code, but now I have design problems. I have two different systems for scanning. I have cross-over functionality between linux and windows. Also, issues with mounting drives between scanning systems.

The code works, but I need to examine the greater design of the scanvirus system.

Here’s a sample of the help menu and cfg file.

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove 'Canceled' lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 0
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
ScanPartitionFileSystems= ntfs vfat

Here’s are the new menus and cfg file. I was successful in overhauling the virus scan system. The expanded functionality includes ‘USB or not USB drives’ scan on linux or mswin. Splitting the ‘-v’ function was completed. I disabled move to virus vault on recommendations by the admins here on opensuse forums.

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove 'scan interrupted' lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view configuration file
    p1: -v or --version

view version information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 
view help file
    p1: -h or --help
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 0
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
#ScanPartitionFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p

Various cfg additions will include:

CancelMessagePosition=(0)front and rear(1)

Those of you paying attention and reading everything. I will be releasing another beta once i’ve finished more field tests in the next few days.

Please update your cfg and help files. Some cfg error checking added and completed clean logs - will now not use any folder in partition logs for search for ‘virus’ or ‘Canceled’.

______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 1
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1
Scanlogs Cleaned Message Position
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view configuration file
    p1: -v or --version

view version information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 
view help file
    p1: -h or --help

Or do it the easy way…
Note: scanvirus -a has no auto-mount
scanvirus -l and -m has auto-mount
I will add this to menu later.

Sorry about that, left out things from the menus. Add the changes.

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view configuration file
    p1: -v or --version

view version information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 
view help file
    p1: -h or --help

______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 1
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1
Scanlogs Cleaned Message Position
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0

Bah, left in diagnostic messages and commented out scanning. Fixed. I think…

After reviewing it’s features, I might add to the ‘-l’ linux specific scan. A configure option to scan the main linux system. A problem, scanning that will pick up any connected flash drives and have a double scan: the partition class scan and scan ‘/’. I need to figure out how to cross the functionality with ‘-a’ scan all command.

‘-l’ skips the main drive ‘/’. It will scan any linux partitions that are outside that. Not been tested with main partitions that are not usb drives. NOTE: You use the partition editor to create a linux ex4 partition for backup. This should detect it and scan it.

‘-l’ is able to filter between the usb drives and the linux partitions.

I find myself using power down command by mistake (scanvirus -l hup — > scanvirus -a hup). The background scan has to canceled the hard way using process kill, you need to delete the folder, and/or need to use the ‘shutdown -c’ (if active).

I’m going to work on how to automate this with ‘–killscanvirus’ (no shortcut).

On regular scans (no ‘p’ or ‘s’), a system message when it completes as CFG addition. Default: off.

The stalls between linux folders I might be able to fix. If I can get the clamscan command that filters folders to work this time. I couldn’t in the last version of clamscan.

Update your menus:

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

kill all scans - kill all forground and background scanvirus and clamscan
    p1: -ksv or --killscanvirus
open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view configuration file
    p1: -v or --version

view version information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 

view help file
    p1: -h or --help

I left some old code that caused the ‘-l’ not to function. Fixed, I think I have all the diag messages out and got out all the bugs. ‘-ksv’ works as it should. Beta version. I’m changing globals to local vars. It may cause unknown problems.

There is some error when you use ‘control-c’ to exit. It’s some linux bug I found posted on a website. Ignore it.


# sha512sum scanvirus
321c544b58730ef196c0b553ffbc3d288974d07bef1e3da922ebcc062a5911c7164b6e89414a2b72555d751bb6b2cd05565bb510a8537bd7c5d8f53e0fae9d7f  scanvirus

I’ve updated the cfg file with the new additions. Please update your files ahead of the next official release. I’v added more cfg checks and made more use of local variables. Finished the popup message on scan completed(not background scan). Finished ‘—killscanvirus’. It will kill any foreground or background scans. Also, it will stop any power down attempts.

# scanvirus -vc
______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 0
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1

Message position start end 
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0
System notify popup on compeleted scan
SystemNotifyMessage= 0
Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

kill all scans - kill all forground and background scanvirus and clamscan
    p1: -ksv or --killscanvirus
open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view configuration file
    p1: -v or --version

view version information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 

view help file
    p1: -h or --help

There are some security issues with the popup message (‘wall --help’). I need to make use of the new scanlog filter command in more functions. I need run more tests to make sure changing to ‘local’ doesn’t corrupt any code.

There is a simple way to extract out scanlogs based on year and it’s simple. Backup scanlogs will offer the option to back to a (flash) drive.

Please update your cfg file for the official release at the end of December. Note the help file changes.

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

kill all scans - kill all forground and background scanvirus and clamscan
    p1: -ksv or --killscanvirus
open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view configuration file
    p1: -v or --version

view version information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 

view help file
    p1: -h or --help

______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 0
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1

Message position start end 
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0
System notify popup on compeleted scan
SystemNotifyMessage= 0

New Feature: popup on scan completed for non-background scan. (message to all users). Recommended for single user systems only. I’ll fix this later.

Small improvements added.

‘-l’ and ‘-m’ bugs —should— be fixed.

scanvirusa -vc
______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 0
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1

Message position start end 
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0
System notify popup on compeleted scan
1= xmessage
2= kdialog -> kde desktop
3= zenity -> gnome desktop
4= notify-send -> (packages needed)
SystemNotifyMessage= 0

Now, it should make scan completed send to one user only. I have no way of testing if gnome-zenity works. Also, I know enough about kdialog to make a gui for scanvirus. It’s not nearly as hard as it seems. The GUI will make a command line from the menus then execute it, KDE only. I only have time to do one.

The hard part is structuring the menus so that it flows smoothly and you don’t hit some commands by mistake.

scanvirus --gui

WARNING! The upgraded cfg file changes will lock you out of using ‘scanvirus -vf’. Don’t overwrite scanvirus before you use the ‘-vf’ command. Do it in this order only.

#scanvirus -vf
#rm scanvirus.cfg
#cp scanvirusa /usr/bin/scanvirus
#scanvirus -v

The new menus and the next release of v1.01 stable.

scanvirus -h

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

kill all scans - kill all forground and background scanvirus and clamscan
    p1: -ksv or --killscanvirus
open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or f  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view version file
    p1: -v or --version

view configuration information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 

view help file
    p1: -h or --help

scanvirus -vc
______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 1
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1

Message position start end 
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0
System notify popup on compeleted scan
1= xmessage
2= kdialog -> kde desktop
3= zenity -> gnome desktop
4= notify-send -> packages libnotify4 libnotify-tools
SystemNotifyMessage= 0

For those paying attention. This scanvirus version --should-- be stable. Always keep you last copy in case I miss any bugs. Also, I included a beta of the scanvirus-gui. It’s for KDE only. With some internet searching, you should be able to figure out how to convert it to whatever desktop you want. It’s very limited, but enough to do some general functions.



FYI… There are some small fixes to scanvirus. The help menu ‘-a’ was missing the ‘copy virus’ function. The ‘-a m’ option was not in that code and not blocked.

The scanvirus-gui is nearly complete. The UI is as smooth as I can make it.

Even I can’t remember all of ‘scanvirus’ functions. I have to constantly use the scanvirus help menu. So, the scanvirus-gui is very handy and saves time, if you don’t mind navigating lots of menus.

Please note updated menus and cfg files for the later v1.01 release.

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

kill all scans - kill all forground and background scanvirus and clamscan
    p1: -ksv or --killscanvirus
open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
    p2: copy --> /folder                    (optional)
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or v  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view version file
    p1: -v or --version

view configuration information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 

view help file
    p1: -h or --help

______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 1
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1

Message position start end 
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0
System notify popup on compeleted scan
1= xmessage
2= kdialog -> kde desktop
3= zenity -> gnome desktop
4= notify-send -> packages libnotify4 libnotify-tools
SystemNotifyMessage= 0

Help menu typos fixed. ‘-bl’ function now can send to folder.

#sha512sum scanvirus
4e135fbba308d81273b5267406b34281a29a35b7796361eb9c1f8e3d2e51b2ff4059b849e7bb747fac52d767ce9ea1ab828b80e5cce5a6a79f506a5f9457fc25  scanvirus

#sha512sum scanvirus-gui
4d4625f2186e543a115169d78256e4eb1bc2cf2e082487ddab1d8580bd59f008a0315af3b1bffa2a9295009fc06fede0eab97bbfa42d36eabfb57098857a7733  scanvirus-gui

One function left ‘Copy virus folder to user #’. As UI friendly as I could make it. :slight_smile:

Copy virus folder to user #
    p1: -cv or --copyvirusvault
    p1: -mv or --movevirusvault
    p2: l  list users
    p2: user number
    p3: c  compress folder 

This method is way too complex to fuse into scanvirus-gui (not that can’t code it, don’t want to). I’m going to drop this in favor of the simpler ‘scanvirus -a f /folder’, but leave the commented out code for learning bash.

The new function will have all the same functionality: copy,move,compress, send → folder.

I’m having computer issues. So, some time later…

Please examine the new help menu and the cfg file ahead of the end of December official release of v1.01 - Note, there maybe new config options or some removed.

Scan Virus
help commands
scan linux and all partitions - No Auto Mount
    p1: -a or --scanall
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update      (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)
    p2: f   scan folder           (optional)

scan linux partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -l or --linux
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)*
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

scan windows partitions - Auto Mount and Unmount
    p1: -m or --mswin
    p2: c   copy infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: m   move infected files to vault     (optional)
    p2: u   freshclam update                 (optional)
    p2: l   low system priority   (optional)
    p2: h   high system priority  (optional)
    p2: s   suspend on end        (optional)
    p2: p   shutdown on end       (optional)

kill all scans - kill all forground and background scanvirus and clamscan
    p1: -ksv or --killscanvirus
open virus vault - Desktop: KDE & GNOME
    p1: -vf or --viewfolder

backup logs - backup scanlogs with date and time
    p1: -bl or --backuplogs
    p2: copy --> /folder                    (optional)
clean logs - remove scan canceled lines
    p1: -cl or --cleanlogs

view logs
    p1: -vl or --viewlogs
    p2: l or m  mask by linux/mswin scans   (optional)
    p2: c or v  mask by clean or virus      (optional)
    p2: d       mask by date                (optional)  
    p3: year                                (optional)
    p4: month                               (optional)
    p5: day                                 (optional)

view virus reports + virus files
    p1: -vr or --viewvirusreports

view version file
    p1: -v or --version

view configuration information
    p1: -vc or --viewcfg

send folder virus vault
    p1: -sv or --sendfoldervirusvault
    p2: l        list users                      (group1)
    p2: c or m   copy or move                    (group2)
    p2: x        compress folder                 (optional)
    p3:          set folder permissions to user number
    p4:          destination folder

view help file
    p1: -h or --help

______________________________scanvirus configuration______________________________
date +'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S%P'
TimeStamp= %I:%M:%S%P
DateStamp= %Y-%m-%d
ExcludedScanFolders= dev etc kdeinit5__0 proc tmp srv sys var .snapshots
Bash Suspend Command
1= 'systemctl suspend' - openSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Debian, etc
2= 'pm-suspend' - Void, Gentoo, Devuan etc - pm-utils power management suite
SuspendCommand= 1
Suspend or power-off lock screen - GNOME KDE
LockScreenCommand= 1
LINUX scan - partition file system types
LinuxFileSystems= btrfs xfs ext2 ext3 ext4
MSWIN scan - partition file system types
MswinFileSystems= ntfs vfat
List users group filter
UserGroupFilter= users
Scan Log Format
%o  OS Type             %s  Virus Status
%f  Scan Folder         %n  Scan Time
%c  Command Options     %t  Time Stamp
%d  Date Stamp          %p  Partition Log
%%  Print %
ScanLogFormat= %o %s %f %n %c %t %d %p
Add record into scanlogs
ScanlogsCleanedMessage= 1

Message position start end 
ScanlogsCleanedMessagePosition= 0
System notify popup on compeleted scan
1= xmessage
2= kdialog -> kde desktop
3= zenity -> gnome desktop
4= notify-send -> packages libnotify4 libnotify-tools
SystemNotifyMessage= 1

‘-fvv’ has been overhauled. PM me any bugs you find.


It should have the best quality user interface I can make for kde. If you want other gui’s, do some internet searching. It’s easy to modify for any gui.

You’ll need to modify the source code to setup the GUI’s user-list for the ‘-sv’ command, set file permissions and ownership to a user.



First of all i’m new to linux and i know little about programming, so please have patience with me.
I wanted to try out your script from this link
The idea was to give you feedback from my side.
So I followed the instructions and hopefully i didn’t miss anything.

To launch the script i simply typed ‘scanvirus’ in the konsole, but sadly i get this message:
/usr/bin/scanvirus: line 54: printf: --: invalid option
printf: usage: printf -v var] format [arguments]

if i type ‘sudo scanvirus’ i get this message:
[FONT=arial]/usr/bin/scanvirus: line 1562: warning: here-document at line 99 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOL’)
/usr/bin/scanvirus: line 1563: syntax error: unexpected end of file

[/FONT]Either i did not copy all the lines but i’m pretty sure i did.
Or i am missing some arguments something like ‘scanvirus -argument’.

I am using a virtual machine with SuseLeap for these newbie experiments.
If it is something easy, i am looking forward to try it out.
But if it is more complicated, i understand.


Get the v1.00 stable learn to use that first. I missed in the first post ‘The instruction for install are in the script’ and requires superuser install.

save as ‘scanvirus’

#install clamav

#Right-click on scanvirus
#Click on properties
#Click on permissions
#Check executable and click ok

#Click search -> file manager superuser mode –> click
#Enter admin password
#Navigate to /usr/bin/
#move scanvirus into folder

To launch the script i simply typed 'scanvirus' in the konsole, but sadly i get this message:
**/usr/bin/scanvirus: line 54: printf: --: invalid option**
**printf: usage: printf -v var] format [arguments]**

if i type 'sudo scanvirus' i get this message:
[FONT=arial]**/usr/bin/scanvirus: line 1562: warning: here-document at line 99 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOL')
/usr/bin/scanvirus: line 1563: syntax error: unexpected end of file**


Sometime bash gives errors that are not code problems. It’s usually fixed on a software upgrade. The last entries are scanvirus-beta are NOT recommended for new users. I’v found some bugs in one function that were there for months. This last one might be bug-free, but I doubt it.

Either i did not copy all the lines but i'm pretty sure i did.
Or i am missing some arguments something like 'scanvirus -argument'.

I am using a virtual machine with SuseLeap for these newbie experiments.
If it is something easy, i am looking forward to try it out.
But if it is more complicated, i understand.


save as scanvirus to your home directory

#su -
[enter superuser password]
cp -iv /home/scanvirus /usr/bin/scanvirus

erase /home/scanvirus

#scanvirus -v

does some startup work and prints version.

#scanvirus --help

scanvirus is helper overlay for clamscan. It’s additional functions that add much more power to it. The GUI is setup for the newest version. Learn the command line first in the v1.00

If you have trouble with commands, my help menu will need some fixes. :wink:


Wanted to let you know that it works with your latest instructions.
I have used the link that you provided (this one in particular:

sudo scanvirus -l -u 

it downloaded the virus database and it started scanning.

localhost:/home/gigitest/Downloads # sudo scanvirus -l -u
ClamAV update process started at Sun May 16 10:02:18 2021
daily database available for download (remote version: 26171)
Time:  1m 10s, ETA:    0.0s ========================>]  101.37MiB/101.37MiB
Testing database: '/var/lib/clamav/tmp.040f4c70b2/clamav-9fb207e1a7a872880a055cd4c826c736.tmp-daily.cvd' ...
Database test passed.
daily.cvd updated (version: 26171, sigs: 3979615, f-level: 63, builder: raynman)
main database available for download (remote version: 59)
Time:  1m 14s, ETA:    0.0s ========================>]  112.40MiB/112.40MiB
Testing database: '/var/lib/clamav/tmp.040f4c70b2/clamav-5b3d252f87ae3a55256ee7f195fc298c.tmp-main.cvd' ...
Database test passed.
main.cvd updated (version: 59, sigs: 4564902, f-level: 60, builder: sigmgr)
bytecode database available for download (remote version: 333)
Time:    0.4s, ETA:    0.0s ========================>]  286.79KiB/286.79KiB
Testing database: '/var/lib/clamav/tmp.040f4c70b2/clamav-4a1698d0780b3f71f2bb8002f9c26f64.tmp-bytecode.cvd' ...
Database test passed.
bytecode.cvd updated (version: 333, sigs: 92, f-level: 63, builder: awillia2)
WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through /run/clamav/clamd-socket: No such file or directory

.....Scanning linux - Clamscan Engine.....
Start 10:05:00am 2021-05-16
Scanning bin
No such file or directory
WARNING: : Can't access file
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 8529240
Engine version: 0.103.2
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 128
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 11.70 MB
Data read: 19.08 MB (ratio 0.61:1)
Time: 17.102 sec (0 m 17 s)
Start Date: 2021:05:16 10:05:00
End Date:   2021:05:16 10:05:17

It is still scanning… :smiley:
I get this error for some files

WARNING: : Can't access file

I suppose because file in use or something like that.

Used the --help command, the text user interface is intuitive, no issues there.
I will play arround with scanvirus.

Thanks a lot,