SaX2 / ATI problem

Hi all. First, the relevent bits:

OpenSUSE 11.0 (with update repo added)
Thinkpad T41p
ATI Radeon Mobility T2 [ATI Technologies Inc M10 NT [FireGL Mobility T2] (rev 80)]

The problem: the command

sax2 -r -m 0=radeon (run at init 3)

fails. Output of log file attached.

How I ended up in this state:

I had OpenSUSE 11 installed and running (fully graphical) using the open source Radeon driver. I could get X running with fglrx by running

aticonfig --initial

but the DPI was always wrong, making selected fonts look absurdly small (but not all of them, why is that anyway?). I have no idea how to adjust this without using SaX2, however attempting to run SaX2 with fglrx enabled never worked. It would load, but attempting to test the configuration would result in a crash (not a hang, not the black screen with cursor thing, it threw an error about the generated config. I think it was generating a duff xorg.conf, but not sure why).

I thought that an updated version of sax2, x11, radeon driver or any number of other components might help, so I ran an update.

Since that update:

fglrx use results in just a black screen with a flashing cursor (and a disabled keyboard - only way out is to press the power button to initiate a shutdown). So I removed the two fglrx packages.

Cannot run sax2 with radeon driver as stated above for unknown reasons. Don’t have a valid xorg.conf, so can’t boot into X at all until I fix it. Can’t run sax2 to fix it. You see my problem?

At this point, I would just like to be able to run sax2 and get myself a working X configuration using the radeon driver. Then I can attempt to get fglrx installed again.

Can anyone help?

Output of /var/log/SaX.log: general pastebin - spoo_xorg_conf - post number 1265731

I never seen 0=radeon
shouldn’t it be: sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx

Anyways, the best results I get when I download the driver directly from AMD site, I install the driver, then reboot in ini3, do sax2 -r -m 0=flgrx and reboot again.
Never had any glitch

fglrx is ATI’s closed source driver. Supports the abilities of the cards better but is less reliable.

“Radeon” is the open source, community developed driver that ships with OpenSUSE. It has limited 3D support but is generally more stable.

I would LIKE to be running fglrx, but as I said, the latest driver has problems and crashes. I NEED to be able to run with radeon as a bare minimum working config.

It could be that your monitor is incorrectly identified.

With the newer versions of sax2, you can supply a monitor driver in the form of the .inf file. Many manufacturers have this file contained in the driver for you monitor that you can download and burn to a CD. Or if you have the driver disc that came with your monitor, it should be there as well.

I would insert the driver CD, exit the x-server, and run sax2, and go to the monitor tab and specify that you have a driver.

It’s strange that your system is not allowing you to revert to the radeon driver though. I wonder if kernel updates might have caused this, or maybe the radeon driver got uninstalled somehow.

If you want to go back to the radeon driver, I would go into Yast and do a search for “radeon” and see if you have it installed, or if there is an upgraded version available, then run sax2 again.

There is also “radeonhd” openGL driver.

When I installed openSUSE-11.1 beta5 on my Dell Studio 15, I checked the xorg.conf to see what driver openSUSE-11.1 had used. It was “radeonhd”. I had installed at 1024x768 (because I’m a conservative sort) even though the WXGA+ laptop screen (with the graphic card (a Radeon HD 3450)) was capable of up to 1440x900.

But after a few days, I decided to jack up the resolution, so I booted to run level 3, backed up my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (so I could go back in case I messed up badly) and then ran:sax2 -r -m 0=radeonhdand it worked well for me, as I immediately obtained 1440x900 resolution. Although clearly “radeonhd” is the opensource driver for an HD3450, … and “radeon” is the opensource for other AIT hardware.

The only issue I could see was the failure to detect your monitor correctly. Try starting over with

sax2 -r

BTW: Any particular reason you’re using a virtual display size?

Hello Everyone!

I have almost the same problem that everybody try to solve in this topic or in other -Hardware/Driver/ATI problems- topics…

my pc`s:

Motherboard: ASUS M3A78-EM
-AMD 780G Chipset
-ATI Radeon 3200 HD OnChip/OnBoard >>>> on BIOS set 256Mbyte RAM

CPU: Phenom X4 9750

RAM: 2GByte

system:**openSUSE 11 64-bit

This is the 1st time I use 64-bit version.

I tried many options that I have found here, zero success.

Black screen, wrong keyboard setup, only run failsafe.

PLEASE someone help me!


I appreciate your frustration, but general statements like this don’t really help.

Reading this, we have absolutely no idea what this means.

For some people it means they read suggestions, but did not understand so they did not try them. For other’s it means they tried one and gave up. For others it means they tried a few of them, but they obtained errors, they took no notes, so they can’t possibly provide the specifics of their errors.

Without specifics, how can one remotely help?

So if it runs in safemode, you have a big hint.

Do you get a minimal GUI in safe mode? If so, then if you compare safe mode boot, to a regular boot, you will see they are the same, EXCEPT safe mode has a bunch of extra boot codes. So how about narrowing down the boot codes to the one or two that enable safe mode to boot, where a regular boot fails?

You can do this by writting down the safe mode boot codes, then boot to a regular boot, and when the grub boot menu appears, enter one (only one) of the safemode boot codes. Does that work? If not, reboot and try another boot code? If not reboot and try another boot code. Keep trying until you suceed in identifying the boot code that enables you to boot.

I am using a Gateway 450RGH with a mobility radeon 9600. Everything was working fine for me (They finally fixed some of the glitches I was having) and now today I wound up with v8.55 as an update and sax/ati is broken. I get a segmentation error when trying to run aticonfig. What I really want to do right now is just downgrade to the the previous release of the driver. When I look in YasT at the versions, I used to be able to see multiple version available…now it only shows one.

Anyone know how to “roll-back” so to speak to the earlier version? It appears that this version was released around 11/14/08. The version just prior to this worked beautifully!

Looking for the version just prior to the version that is currently in the ATI repository.


Dear OLDCPU (and everyone else),

So Ive installed OpenSUSE 11 64 bit (KDE4)with all updates it could update when installing.
autoFound Vesa Graphics Card just like 32bit

My monitor (HP L1706)correct. All the video modes working fine.
But no 3D and any of Media Players from OpenSUSE 11 2008 media pack 64bit (with their codecs), or without players from this pack…anyway they played all the HQ medeiafiles (example: MKV, VOB, AVI…etc)low quality ,like an older VGA card with 16MB RAM…

I have downloaded the latest Catalyst driver from AMD/ATI site(8.11 x86 64bit), because I did not find the 64bit version ATI driver on my motherboard disc.

I have installed all the repository packages
(gcc,mesa,c++…the libs… → _devels also)
that you can find on the AMD/ATI site instructions (ati-…xyz.PDF)

So Ive turned the .run file executable
run Console(with admin rights) grab,drop, execute file

I have installed with automatic option.

aticonfig --initial=check

fglrx found…all right

aticonfig --initial

and reboot…

on logon screen everything was right, no fails, no errors but after that only I could see black screen

reboot again
// run failsafe…

// I have restored the backup xorg…


I have tried also

aticonfig --initial -f


and PHP codes

run console KDE / admin rights

init 3
//root … admin …

//after those

sax2 -r -m 0=radeon

//answered : Undefined command sax2…


//Ive tried

sax2 -r -m 0=radeonhd : command problem neither

so no success…there’s no KDE desktop (black blank screen again)

anyone can help me? pls thx

(sorry I am not a linux expert as you can see, )

First some philosophy. openSUSE is openSUSE, ie it sticks close to the opensource free software philosophy than most other distributions. Hence most proprietary drivers for hardware and proprietary audio/video codecs are not included with the as packaged CD/DVD/ . This is good for those who wish to follow that philosophy, but it does mean one may need to go to a 3rd party site for a driver packaged by the openSUSE community.

The sax2 command is there. If you get this, then its because either your syntax was wrong, or you did not have root permissions when you ran it.

Before even trying this, check to see if your installation media is good. Did you run the installation media check, which is an option when you first boot from the installation CD/DVD ? If not, do so NOW !

Also, before trying the command “sax2 -r -m 0=radeonhd”, you need to check if this is the correct driver for you.

You also noted you could boot in safe mode. I gave you some advice in an above post, about trying various boot codes to narrow down which one enabled your PC to boot. Did you try that?

Assuming you have tried that, and assuming you have identified the boot code, and assuming you are now applying the boot code, I recommend you boot direct to run level 3. Do that by typing “3” (no quotes) when the grub menu appears and the “3” will go into the options line.

Log in as a regular user.

Now before typing anything, NOTE that Linux is case sensitive. Be careful as to whether you use upper case or lower case. In my examples I am careful.

Then type:
grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf
what driver does it say you are using?

Then type “su” (no quotes, enter root password when prompted). Note if you now type “whoami” it should say “root”.

Then type:
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.baknew
to backup your exisiting xorg.conf file.

Then type:
sax2 -p
and confirm that sax2 runs and confirm it recognizes your card. It should identify your card chip as either 0 or 1. What card does it say you have?

Assuming chip=0, then try one of the following. One of these should configure your card with the openGL (opensource, not proprietary) ATI driver (keep trying until one appears to work) … you will end up at an ascii/text prompt after it succeeds.

sax2 -r -m 0=ati
sax2 -r -m 0=radeon
sax2 -r -m 0=radeonhd

Again, you WILL end up at a text prompt after it succeeds. And note since it is “chip 0” that is “zero equals radeon” or “zero equals ati” (ie the number zero).

If those appear not to have worked (ie it kicked you out after doing nothing or gave you a zillon errors), you can try the vesa driver:
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

And as a last resort (and only if the above appear not to work), you can try copying the installation xorg.conf to replace your existing non-functional xorg. You can do that by:

cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.install /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Now once you picked one of the above that appears to have succeeded, you need to test it. You do that by first typing “exit” to get rid of root (admin) permissions. That is important. Type “whoami” to confirm you are no longer root. If still root, type it again. If necessary log out and log back in to get rid of root permissions. Once back to a regular user, type:
**startx **
to test your X window. If it does not work, you will get error messages. Take a pix of those messages with your digital camera so you can tell us later what they are.

If startx works, you will be at a gui. Now open a gnome-terminal or a kde-konsole (it looks like a dos window) and type “su” to get root permissions. And then command an immediate reboot with “shutdown -r now” to test your configuration will survive a reboot. Do NOT type “3” this time when rebooting, but do type your boot code that you figure out previous.

Thanks a lot OLDCPU!!!

And thanks for your panorama!!!:good:


Thanks for the help, and will try copying over the installed xorg conf in a moment (should have thought of that really)

but that doesn’t solve the underlying problem. Is there a bug in SaX2 that is presenting me from running it? This is a fairly major problem for me if there is!

It says I have a Banshee music system, and also says there’s something wrong with the dBuss, and gnome settings. I don’t remember for sure, but it said something like that. Thank you, Reuben!:wink:

Can you please explain in detail of what I have to do, because I know very little about computers. Thank you so much, Reuben.:shame:

Reuben, reference your two posts above, quoted below, these questions have NOTHING to do this this Sax2/ATI problem thread. You already started sound help threads here:
sound problems - openSUSE Forums
and here:
sound problem - openSUSE Forums

A proliferation of threads only serves to confuse and irritate members. Please answer the question given to you in the referenced thread sound problems - openSUSE Forums on that thread and NOT on this current thread.

In that thread you stated you did not even know if you were using openSUSE. You need to find that out.

People who look at this SaX2 / ATI problem thread do so to help or obtain information on SaX2 /ATI problems. They do NOT do so for sound problems.

Please help us keep some sort of order to our forum by your not making off topic posts.

Thankyou for your help and understanding in this.

Hello Everybody

sax2 / ATI problem to:

ATI - openSUSE

and don’t forget: XFree86® Home to the X Window System


What is in your /usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log

also make sure your kernel and kernel source are matched ie the same
the newest driver is built for kernel 2.6.x and higher

the blank screen happens because the driver didn’t build. it happened to me solved by
typing init 3 at the startup screen logging as root running sax2 andaccepting the configuration and trying again looking at the log file to see what went wrong downloading missing packages and running the shell etc. when it finally works its worth it

dear, dale14846

thanks a lot,but since 28 11 2008 I have NO problem with that.

There is something on the hardware forum about the fglrx 86_64 ng nxtra configuration I’ll see if I can find it