hi every body,
There is a few days i can’t launch Sax 11 to configure my session.
I have opensuse 11.0 kde4 on my toshiba laptot.
Another problem is when I launch daulphin time to time it displays a gray screen and i can’t work with.
Excuse me for my english because I don’t write well.
thank u in advance
Are you entering the command SaX2?
- htex wrote, On 08/19/2008 12:26 AM:
> hi every body,
> There is a few days i can’t launch Sax 11 to configure my session.
> I have opensuse 11.0 kde4 on my toshiba laptot.
Open a console, become root (type “su”) then
init 3 (thus leaving the GUI)
sax2 -r
This should start sax2 with the default settings.
> Another problem is when I launch daulphin time to time it displays a
> gray screen and i can’t work with.
I recommend you open a different thread on this once your X server is running fine. The problem may well be related to a not so optimal GUI setting or compiz.
thank a lot buckesfeld,
When I was at home I try to do what you tell me.
Thank a lot
it’s working well
On 08/20/2008 htex wrote:
> Thank a lot it’s working well
You’re welcome, thanks for the feedback.