I’ve been using openSUSE intermittently for a couple of years. I recently returned with 11.1. I have everything working almost to my liking, but there is just one little nag that I have.
I use my notebook both at home and at work, in each case on a wireless network. The problem is that each time I am at either place I have to manually put in the network settings when I boot up.
The question is, is there a way to save the networks so that when I am in range of anyone one of them, openSUSE automatically detects them and connects?
GavinX wrote:
> I use my notebook both at home and at work, in each case on a wireless
> network. The problem is that each time I am at either place I have to
> manually put in the network settings when I boot up.
> The question is, is there a way to save the networks so that when I am
> in range of anyone one of them, openSUSE automatically detects them and
> connects?
Network manager should take care of it, just enable the auto connect
I’m afraid this only works if both are open networks. In my case, school is unencrypted but through a proxy. Home is no proxy but encrypted. There really should be a way to make an easy switch for these situations. :’(
Hmm, i use network manager at school, at home & work. Have no problem switching between connections. school & home are encrypted & work is either open or encrypted, they have 2 setups, one for internet & one for intranet
No, Networkmanager (and also the other methods) work fine on unencrypted, WEP and WPA networks.
I even use another method (ifup with custom wpa_supplicant.conf) which also works on all type of APs (even WEP or unencrypted, wpa_supplicant.conf is extremely flexible) so the problem is most likely that you have a faulty configuration.
OK. So, give me a how-to. I couldn’t get any wireless to work until I rolled back the networkmanager to a previous version. Its still a pain to work it with kwallet, but it works on my encrypted router. But, with the proxy at school, it only works on Wednesdays with R’s in them. Once I get it going, I hate to change back for home.
During install, you’ve selected to use ifup instead of the Networkmanager. So in Yast, Network Services, Network Devices, it still says to use ifup. Change that to use the Networkmanager. Works perfectly wiht kwallet (I can use one password instead of loads of passphrases and passwords.
The problem here is, that if something doesn’t work, we blame the OS, we ask for HOWTO’s, we immediately replace software etc. etc. all things that are not going to add up to a stable system.
There’s tons of HOWTO’s on this matter, but since you’ve already started changing versions etc. any suggestion is becoming no less than a guess.
This is “reading the manual after install and misconfiguration”.
In my case, this is not true. I had a working configuration until an update. I’ve been following wireless threads for weeks looking for an answer and didn’t find one until someone posted about the rollback.
It is also counterintuitive to respond to a dialog box with incorrect answers to make something work. I had to lie to networkmanager to get it to work. I found that out by accident and frustration when I closed out the dialog box without responding to it. Kwallet then got it going.
I still don’t see an easy way to switch from proxy/no encryption to no proxy/WPA encryption. I guess I’ll stumble around until I find it.