Sandboxing new users

I am new to the forum and actually wanted to send this answer:
"Okay, so there seems to he a difference between these two old shell script for the MG5200 and MG4200. With the 4250 everything was configured afterwards. But nevertheless it is good that it installed and I am relatively certain that it works generally because the MG5250 is still in use on Linux, unfortunately I don’t have physical access to it anymore so I can’t test things.

Just to be safe: Your printer was switched on while you were running the and it was found in the network/via USB?

Now that it’s installed there should be the fitting .ppd-file on your system. Which means you could use this .ppd when adding the printer

With cnijnetprn --search auto you should get a return that shows you the ID of the printer.

Something like networkcnijnet:/00-1E-8F-67-4C-D8 “Canon MG5200 series” “Canon-MG5200-series_00-1E-8F-67-4C-D8″

Now you need to find the .ppd file that got installed with the driver. The default folder is I think /etc/cups/ppd. I have the slight flashback from the past that it wasn’t placed there. It should be named canonmg5200.ppd or MG5200.ppd or sometling like that. You should find by file search and copy it to the default folder.

With the command sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p canonmg5250 -P canonmg5200.ppd -v cnijnet:/00-1E-8F-9C-40-5A -E you should be able to add the printer. Of course you need to change the ID (00-1E-8F-9C-40-5A) to the ID that you acquired through the command above and maybe the name of the .ppd. If you get a return for not finding the .ppd use the exact path to the .ppd-file instead of just the file name."

to @Cyclonick in this topic: Canon printer refuses to print in colour - Yast configuration different from CUPS - #7 by Cyclonick

It seems that as a new user I am sandboxed in a way that makes it impossible to me to send more than a couple answers per thread. I understand that this might be useful to block off advertisement bots or something like that. So, I thought I would send a private message just to find out that this option is blocked for new users as well. My next Idea was to send a private message to a moderator but even that is not possible.

@Cyclonick please don’t expect any further answers from me in this thread, as I can’t answer.

@forum moderator team: Would it make sense from your perspective to open the option for private messaging even for new users?

Private message have their use but for this kind of response I do not see why it should be private.

Open “discussions” foster collaboration and to my opinion that most often brings the best results. Also it makes it possible for others to learn from it and use it for future problems.

Yes, I agree. But if I am limited in numbers of replies as a new user I would appreciate if I at least I would still have the option to inform the OP what is the reason for me not replying anymore or contacting a moderator.

I feel your frustration. I have signaled this to the staff and hope someone will look into this.

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