Samsung NC10 - 11.1 RC1

I’ve only been using Opensuse 11.0 for a short while but thought I’d post this as I installed 11.1 RC1 on my Samsung NC10 today

Installed 11.1 RC1 on my Samsung NC10 and all hardware appears to have been detected and working correctly :slight_smile:

Some pics? How do you install it, from an external DVD drive? Unetbooting?

WIFI,Webcan, run well, and out of the box?


Installed using external DVD drive.

WIFI and webcam all work. System as a whole runs pretty smooth. I’ll post some pics later if you want when I’m back on the Samsung. Using my work PC at the moment…

Only problem I have had is Banshee does not work, loads and then freezes but I don’t think that would be hardware related… If I get time I’ll update my other laptop to 11.1 from 11.0 and see if I get the same problem.

Ok good news,I was scared that WIFI or Webcan doesn´t works by default, there are not many WIKI or Forum support for netbooks and Opensuse in the web, only the most used devices, post the pics please!.

yeah post some pics please , Ive been thinking about buying the NC10

Why do you people want pics so much? lol!

I’ve got openSUSE 11.1 running on my NC10 as well, with KDE 4.1. Everything worked out of the box, except for the webcam and the light adjustment shortcuts (which I am still trying to figure out…) Apparently, using gnome will enable them (see here). If anyone manages to make them work under KDE, please post your solution here!