I was able to mount a Samba folder in Suse11 ith Nautilus…
It’s supposed to be mounted in the machine but… where? I would like to use this samba folder for Bakup, so i need the complete path to introduce it in the backup_scripts.
In Nautilus. it appeas as smb://server/folder ans it is not included in the fstab file.
If you mean “mount” as in mapping a network drive in windows; i.e. make a remote share behave as if it was a hard drive attached to your computer – if you mean mount in those terms, then I don’t think you can “mount” a drive in Nautilus. I think what you can do in Nautilus is to view a Share using Samba, not mount it.
If you really want to mount a share as a mapped drive, you have to create a cifs mount either temporarily by issuing a command in a console or permanently by editing a control line for the cifs mount into fstab. You can read about how to make a cifs mount in the tutorial on this link: Samba: HowTo Mount a CIFS Network Share [AKA Map Network Drive] in openSUSE 10 & 11 plus FAQs
I’ve mounted the system using the Nautilus network conection. The Samba folder appeared now as connected and, in fact, by this program i’m passing some files to the remote machine.
I’ve tried the mount option as well as well as the fstab line introduction… but an error (nº 6 if I remember well) ocurred.