cybertaz wrote:
> I have been having an issue with samba and/or my firewall. I’m not sure
> where the issue is. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this and
> knows of a fix.
> Once opensuse (kde) desktop shows up, it will sometimes take up to half
> an hour to be able to see the workgroup. I have my network set to the
> external zone. I have cups and samba setup to be allowed through the
> firewall (ports 661 and udp 137,138 tcp 135, 445, 139). The error I get
> states that the workgroup can’t be found, probably due to a firewall
> issue. I can get the internet just fine. I just can’t access my shares
> or my local network. If I leave it alone after about 30 minutes, I can
> go back have full access to my shares and local network.
> I can set the card to the internal zone and have no problems. I know
> that I can leave it set to internal, but would like to find out why
> this is happening. My router has a firewall in it and it is set to run
> in stealth mode (’ Home of Gibson Research Corporation ’
> ( Shieldsup says running in total stealth mode).
> I have checked the logs and do not see any errors. There is a statment
> in the startup log when susefirewall2 starts about no default zone and
> setting to ext. Could this be the issue?
> I’m using opensuse 11 and KDE 4.1.1 (from factory)
Not to belittle the SuSE firewall, but I’ve really only found it to be
useful if that machine is the only one on a network, it has two network
devices, or if other machines are ‘behind’ it (suse machine acting like
If you set your nic (eth0) to ‘external’, it appropriately protects you from
everything coming into that nic.
If you don’t have an internal zone to go along with the external zone, it
operates weirdly. Open ports may not act open, and so on. So I usually
disable the suse firewall when it’s on a network with other machines, which
are all behind another firewall. Great to see you’ve got a router/firewall
in place, good for you!
Windows machines don’t broadcast their samba information but every 11
minutes. And no, it not synchronized either. You could probably speed up
the discovery by requesting each desired share by name… smb://machine1,
smb://machine2, etc.
Maybe a typo, but cups server is on port 631, not 661.
Also, make sure ‘smb’ and ‘nmb’ services are enabled and running in
yast->system->runlevels, since smb controls the shares, and nmb controls
the broadcasting (and the reception) of share names and machines.
Hope this helps.
L R Nix