Safe to update to latest KDE4.2 factory development?

I’m using 11.1 KDE4.2 x86-64.
Anyone update the latest KDE4.2? What’s the latest update version so far? 102? Is it safe? :slight_smile:


i’m using the factory repo cause i’ve read it’s safe but…
it always has updates
some updates are not stable
so, it’s not true that the factory repo is so safe… even if 4.2 is great…

That would depend what you consider safe.

I have been using it for a while, right now it is working perfectly.

That said every couple of days, and sometimes a couple times a day there have been very large updates, some of them worked great, some of them had a few glitches that could be worked around.

None were show stoppers for me at least as searching the forums and the internet usually resolved the glitches but not always.

It’s working extremely well right now.

You could install it, if it is to your liking then disable the repo, and it will not install further updates.

Again what “you” consider “safe” is what it comes down to.

The stability of KDE is varying from system to system… You can’t say that it’s safe or not. You should try it. If you don’t like it, reinstall the previous version. Your personal settings will be restored to the default state. Konqueror in 4.2 doesn’t recognized the bookmarks from the <4.2 version, same situation with KMail, and the others (of course on my box).

KDE 4.2 - 102 here. Seems to be working well after a week or so.