S.T.A.R.T. - SuSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool

OK, here is yet another script, but designed to check out your Audio Setup. What I would love to hear is any suggestions for added tests or if you think something is worthless, let me know and it can be removed from the test script. In order to create S.T.A.R.T. copy and past the text in the following code section into your favorite text editor and save it into your home area bin folder as the file start (~/bin/start):


#: Title       : /home/james/bin/start
#: Date Created: Sun Oct 31 14:21:01 CDT 2010
#: Last Edit   : Sun Oct 31 20:26:01 CDT 2010
#: Author      : J. McDaniel
#: Version     : 1.00
#: Description : Check Your Audio Sound Setup
#: Options     : none

# Written for the openSUSE forums on Sunday October 31, 2010

# Copy and paste this text as the file start into the ~/bin folder.
# Run the terminal command: chmod +x ~/bin/start, to make the file executable
# Open up a terminal session and type: start, to start the program

PROG="S.T.A.R.T. - V1.00 - SuSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool -"

# Determine program user, save home folder location


# Menu Disply System function
# Display up to $3 menu items and <enter> is always Exit 
# Menu should have at least two choices plus exit

function print_menu {

# You can adjust the starting position of the start menu.  
# Using s_line=0 & s_col=0 would place the menu in the top left corner of your screen"

# Starting Terminal Line Number for menu
# Starting Terminal Column Number for Menu

# Determine SuSE Version
suse=$(cat /etc/SuSE-release)
version="${suse:0:$((num - 15))}"

# Display Program Title
tput clear
tput cup $(( s_line )) $(( s_col ))
tput setf 7
tput setb 2
tput bold
echo "$1" $version 

# Determine Kernel Version
kernel=$(uname -r)

# Display Menu, Present User home, kernel version
tput sgr0
tput cup $(( s_line + 2 )) $(( s_col ))
tput setf 7
tput setb 1
tput bold
echo "$2" "USER:$USER" "  Kernel:$kernel " 
tput sgr0

# Display All Menu Options 1 through $3

while  $(( counter )) -lt $(( maxnum + 1 )) ] ; do
  let counter=counter+1
  tput cup $(( s_line + 3 + counter )) $(( s_col ))
  echo "$4"

# Display menu option request and get user input
tput setf 2
tput bold
tput cup $(( s_line + 4 + counter )) $(( s_col ))
read -p "Enter Your Choice [1-"$maxnum"] or Just Press <enter> to Quit S.T.A.R.T. : " CHOICE
return $CHOICE

# Main Program Loop starts here ...

while true ; do

# Setup Menu string Fields displayed for your menu

MENU="Audio and Sound Testing  -  M E N U "
TST1=" 1 . Verify your Alsa Packages are installed for Operational Testing ...        "
TST2=" 2 . Simple Left/Right Speaker Test Number One ...                              "
TST3=" 3 . Simple Left/Right Speaker Test Number Two ...                              "
TST4=" 4 . Test Sound using aplay to play Left, Right or Test Stereo wav files ...    "
TST5=" 5 . Checking your audio setup in four steps for detailed information  ...      "
TST6=" 6 . Run ALSA setup script as a ROOT User (Run Once) Update if Newer Exists ... "
TST7=" 7 . Run ALSA setup script as a Normal User. Please Upload your information ... "
TST8=" 8 . Stop ALSA, Restart ALSA and then Reload Kmix (For KDE Users) ...           "
TST9=" 9 . Check your Pulseaudio package Installation ...                             "
TSTA=" 10. Enable your Pulseaudio Sound System ...                                    "
TSTB=" 11. Disable your Pulseaudio Sound System ...                                   "
TSTC=" 12. Determining which application is using sound device ...                    "

# Call Menu and get user input selection

print_menu "$PROG" "$MENU" "$TOTL" "$TST1" "$TST2" "$TST3" "$TST4" "$TST5" "$TST6" "$TST7" "$TST8" "$TST9" "$TSTA" "$TSTB" "$TSTC"

# Execute User Command Here

case "$CHOICE" in

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST1
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold 
  echo "rpm --query --all --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' alsa alsa-utils alsa-firmware 'libasound2*'"
  tput sgr0
  rpm --query --all --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' alsa alsa-utils alsa-firmware 'libasound2*'
  echo "You should expect to have at least four Alsa Packages Installed."
  echo "32 bit files are not required when using 64bit openSUSE install."
  echo "called ----> alsa-utils <--------- from the openSUSE Repository."
  echo "called ----> libasound2-32bit <--- from the openSUSE Repository."
  echo "called ----> alsa <--------------- from the openSUSE Repository."
  echo "called ----> libasound2 <--------- from the openSUSE Repository."
  echo "called ----> alsa-firmware <------ from the openSUSE Repository."
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;; 

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST2
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: speaker-test -Dplug:front -c2 -l5 -twav"
  tput sgr0
  echo "Note you should check your mixer settings (kmix if using KDE, and alsamixer"
  echo "if using Gnome) to ensure that PCM and Master Volume are set high. If no" 
  echo "sound initially, try around 95%and back off the levels once basic sound" 
  echo "is established. Note the test for surround sound is different." 
  speaker-test -Dplug:front -c2 -l5 -twav
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST3
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: speaker-test -c2 -l5 -twav"
  tput sgr0
  echo "Note you should check your mixer settings (kmix if using KDE, and alsamixer"
  echo "if using Gnome) to ensure that PCM and Master Volume are set high. If no" 
  echo "sound initially, try around 95%and back off the levels once basic sound" 
  echo "is established. Note the test for surround sound is different." 
  speaker-test -c2 -l5 -twav
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  echo "If you did not hear any sound, you might need to add yourself to the audio user"
  echo "group. Would you like to add yourself to the audio user group right now? (Yes or No)"
  tput sgr0
  read -p "Enter your choice [y/N] " CHOICE
  if  "$CHOICE" == "y" ] ||  "$CHOICE" == "Y" ] ; then
    sudo usermod -A audio $(basename $USER)
    if  "${usermod_exit_value}" -eq "0" ] ; then
      echo "User "$USER" Was added to the Audio User Group as Requested."
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  while  "$choice" != "q" ] ; do
    tput clear
    tput bold
    tput setf 7
    tput setb 4
    echo $TST4
    tput setf 7
    tput setb 1
    tput bold 
    echo "Using aplay -vv to play Front_Left.wav, Front_Right.wav or Test.wav sound files"
    tput sgr0
    read -p "Enter <L>eft, <R>ight, <T>est or <Q>uit. Enter your choice [l/r/t/q]" choice
    if  "$choice" == "l" ] ||  "$choice" == "L" ] ; then
      aplay -vv /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
      read -p "Press <enter> to continue..."
    if  "$choice" == "r" ] ||  "$choice" == "R" ] ; then
      aplay -vv /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Right.wav
      read -p "Press <enter> to continue..."
    if  "$choice" == "t" ] ||  "$choice" == "T" ] ; then
      aplay -vv /usr/share/sounds/alsa/test.wav
      read -p "Press <enter> to continue..."
    if  "$choice" == "Q" ] ; then
  choice="" ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST5
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: cat /proc/asound/version"
  tput sgr0
  cat /proc/asound/version
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: cat /proc/asound/modules"
  tput sgr0
  cat /proc/asound/modules
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: cat /proc/asound/cards"
  tput sgr0
  cat /proc/asound/cards
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf"
  tput sgr0  
  cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf
  echo "If this does not provide the required info, then another approach to obtain more "
  echo "information on your hardware and your sound configuration, is to run the ALSA script." 
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;
  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST6
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: sudo /usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh"
  tput sgr0
  sudo /usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST7
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: /usr/sbin/alsa-info.sh"
  tput sgr0
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST8
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: /etc/init.d/alsasound stop - /etc/init.d/alsasound start - /usr/bin/kmix"
  tput sgr0
  sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound stop 
  sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound start
  echo "Just Answer NO to removing any Audio Devices if Asked."
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TST9
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command:    rpm --query --all --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' '*pulseaudio*'"
  tput sgr0
  rpm --query --all --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' '*pulseaudio*'
  echo "You need the several programs (around 8) installed to use Pulse Audio from openSUSE"
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TSTA
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: sudo setup-pulseaudio --enable"
  tput sgr0
  sudo setup-pulseaudio --enable
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TSTB
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold 
  echo "Command: sudo setup-pulseaudio --disable"
  tput sgr0
  sudo setup-pulseaudio --disable
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput bold
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 4
  echo $TSTC
  tput setf 7
  tput setb 1
  tput bold
  echo "Command: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*"
  tput sgr0
  lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*
  echo "Sometimes, when one has basic sound functioning, but then it appears to stop in"
  echo "the middle of a session (to be restored after a reboot) it may be because an "
  echo "application has seized your audio device, and the application is not sharing nor"
  echo "letting go the audio device. To determine what application is using one's sound"
  echo "simple run this command from the S.T.A.R.T. script or use the CLI command above."
  echo "If one runs this command at different times, when one's sound is working and not"
  echo "working, one can learn better as to what the output means, and be better able to"
  echo "point one's finger at the offending application that has seized the audio device."
  read -p "Press <enter> to continue..." ;;

  tput clear
  tput sgr0
  exit 0 ;;

  *) ;;



exit 0

# End of Bash File

In order to use the start script, it must be marked executable. So, open up a terminal session and enter the following command:

chmod +x ~/bin/start

Once you have marked it executable, to use start, simply open up a terminal session and type the command:


If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

Thank You,

You better stop talking about SuSE here, these Forums are about openSUSE. And even the S in SLED/SLES means SUSE.

That would be o.A.R.T.A, the openSUSE Audio Reporting Terminal Application :wink:

You better stop talking about SuSE here, these Forums are about openSUSE. And even the S in SLED/SLES means SUSE.
hcvv, I could revise the name to oS.T.A.R.T if you like (or **o.A.R.T.A **as suggested by Knurpht), but you know that everyone could save the file as any name they like. The script even includes the source code! At least our name is not Fedora, else the Program could have been called the Fedora Audio Report Tool. rotfl!

Thank You,

I like the idea of the script. It looks neat.

I sent you a PM with some initial comments. I could post them here too, as my comments may not be valid, and an open discussion may be worthwhile.

I also note, to better understand/improve on the script, it needs to be run on KDE, Gnome, Xfce, and LXDE plus run on various hardware.

I’m heading off from Europe to Canada on Friday morning, so I don’t have much time to look at this (as I have a lot to do between now and Friday).

But great idea and I like the 1st version.

I did not comment on the name you gave to the script. I know everybody can give it a name (s)he likes. I did not comment on the fact you start that name with an S meaning SUSE as short for openSUSE.

I comment on the usage of SuSE as this is a specific indication of something that does not exist anymore and creates misunderstanding among newcomers. Novell and the openSUSE people value it as much as you when the correct name of their product is used. I have seen another thread mentioning the same wrong name starting yesterday. I hope this was a coincidence and not the spreading of a plague. :frowning:

I decided to include my PM contents here (which was in reply to a PM of yours asking I look at this):

I am quickly running the script on my 32-bit openSUSE-11.3 PC (I had no time last night to do this) and first thing I note, I only have 3 and not 4 alsa versions as reported by that test, and I note sound works fine ! on that PC. What I do not have on that PC is alsa-firmware.

Not all users’ PC’s need alsa firmware.

Hence you could change:

You should expect to have at least four Alsa Packages Installed.
32 bit files are not required when using 64bit openSUSE install

You should expect to have at least three or four Alsa Packages Installed.
Essential are alsa, alsa-utils, libasound2. Some PCs require alsa-firmware.
32 bit files are not required when using 64bit openSUSE install

With respect to using pulse audio, that may be a bit misleading for openSUSE-11.3 KDE users (and earlier) as KDE does not use pulse. Hence you could change (to clarify):

You need the several programs (around 8) installed to use Pulse Audio from openSUSE


Typically KDE on openSUSE-11.3 and earlier does not use Pulse Audio.
openSUSE Gnome does use Pulse Audio.
You need the several programs (around 8) installed to use Pulse Audio from openSUSE
I don’t have a current Gnome install, so I can’t check the “around 8” assertion easily.

Typically KDE on openSUSE-11.3 and earlier does not use Pulse Audio.
openSUSE Gnome does use Pulse Audio.
You need the several programs (around 8) installed to use Pulse Audio from openSUSE
I have determined that there is something going on with respect to KDE & Pulseaudio, though I have not figured it out. In particular respect to HDA Intel audio. When viewing iTunes movies, no audio is achived unless the Pulseaudio system is enabled and pulse seems to be installed by default. This has seemed to be true on several laptops with built-in Intel Audio, but I don’t understand just why that is under KDE. Even so, I have found that disabling pulse audio on Creative Sound Blaster cards seems to work better under KDE. Since this appears to be hardware specific and not due to openSUSE version or KDE version I felt the ability to enable or disable pulse would be the thing to do.

I continue to collect suggestions on start, to see what the best revision will be.

Thank You,

Thanks for taking the time to work on these scripts.

Perhaps once mmcheck and oSTART (or START depending on what is called) are at a sufficiently mature level, we can ask a packager to package them, and make them easier for a new user to install via one click or via YaST/zypper.

I confess I find a simple copy and paste into a text file and putting the script in ~/bin is easy :slight_smile: (plus changing the permissions) but I suspect this is a major job for new users. :open_mouth:

It needs to be tested on different hardware and different desktops. I can try that but I may not get that done for a while. Early Friday morning this week I fly from Europe to Canada for 10 days, and I’ve got a lot to do between now and then.
OK, thus far I have tested steps 1-to-7, and step-12 on:

  • 64-bit Intel Core i7 920 w/6GB (Asus P6T Deluxe V2 motherboard) w/ PCI-e nVidia GeForce GTX260 graphics [age-18 months] running openSUSE-11.2 with KDE-4.3.5.
  • 32-bit AMD Athlon-2800 w/2GB (Asus A7N8X Deluxe motherboard) w/ PCI nVidia GeForce 8400GS graphics [age-6 years] running openSUSE-11.3 with KDE-4.4.4
  • 32-bit AMD Athlon-1100 w/1GB (MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard) w/AGP nVidia GeForce FX5200 graphics [age 9-years] running openSUSE-11.3 with LXDE desktop
  • 64-bit Dell Studio 1537, Intel P8400 w/4GB, w/ATI Radeon 3450HD graphics [age-2 years] running openSUSE-11.3 with KDE-4.4.4

All have different sound hadware.

Everything was nominal. I note not one of those 4 PCs needs, nor has, the package alsa-firmware.

Reference step-12 (and NOT important for your script - everything is fine there), what was interesting was on my PC with the LXDE desktop, when there is no sound playing, the line

lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*

yields nothing, while all the KDE desktops show the mixer.

But on that same PC with the LXDE desktop, when playing a music video with vlc, I get:

lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*
vlc     6812 oldcpu  mem    CHR  116,4          3142 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
vlc     6812 oldcpu   11r   CHR  116,2      0t0 2796 /dev/snd/timer
vlc     6812 oldcpu   12u   CHR  116,4      0t0 3142 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p

which is what one would expect reference ‘vlc’. The lack of a mixer surprised me, and then I noted the LXDE mixer was missing (it should have been running). The mixer LXDE uses is GMixer, so I launched it, and then tried again with no music playing and I got:

 lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*
gmixer  6959 oldcpu   10w   CHR  116,6      0t0 3144 /dev/snd/controlC0

and when playing a music video:

lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*
gmixer  6959 oldcpu   10w   CHR  116,6      0t0 3144 /dev/snd/controlC0
vlc     6972 oldcpu  mem    CHR  116,4          3142 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
vlc     6972 oldcpu   11r   CHR  116,2      0t0 2796 /dev/snd/timer
vlc     6972 oldcpu   12u   CHR  116,4      0t0 3142 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p

which looks a bit better. :slight_smile:

Thanks oldcpu for taking the time to look at this script. Besides testing as it exist, you know you can also request additional commands be added, so keep that in mind.

I expect to put more time in on the script this weekend as my week has been a little strange. First, my boss’ computer hard drive went south, and I have been trying to recover his personnel files (and I was successful) and reload Windows for him. Then, our main receptionist brought in her laptop, also dead, which I am working right now and my brother calls me last night only to say he has a Windows Virus and most likely I will be working on it this weekend as well. All of this stuff is Windows of course, though I can’t blame failing hard drives on the OS. So my short night before bed time is kind of full right now. I have literally went months without a single request for help and now three in less than a week.

Thank You,

I assume it is not true for you (and to late to pretend), but I allways tell people I do know next to nothing about any Windows OS and thus can not cure their systems (unless thy swiitch to Linux of coourse). This often helps in keeping them away from asking me to look into their problems. Saying that you even have no anti-virus program at all will silent them allready for a long time,then look at you as if you are to dangroous to let you in theneighbourhood of ny computer. rotfl!

lol !

My solution is tell everyone my wife is the expert on Windows and I pass everything to her. And indeed she does a pretty good job of support many people with MS-Windows (saving me having to do this). … of course when my wife get’s stumped on MS-Windows, she comes to me asking for MS-Windows help, and in the pursuit of maritial bliss, I can’t turn her down for help. :frowning: … Of course, the truth is my knowledge of MS-Windows is pathetic, and so I end up helping her more philosophically/theory about computers, in the hope that it leads her to finding a Windoze solution.

I do think these scripts of jdmcdaniel3 are useful, and it might be neat sometime for all 3 (ostart, mmcheck, oslave) to be packaged in one rpm that can be installed by users via a simple rpm or zypper command.

Cool start script. It actually gets some sound out of my system on the 2, 3, and 4 tests. Yast -> sound -> select ICH10 -> other -> play_test_sound also works.
Flash in Firefox and Chrome and music in Amarok is silent. And, start -> configure_desktop -> multimedia -> music -> hda intel (AD198xAnalog) -> test is also dead and causes the error message:
the audio playback device hda intel (ad198x Analog) does not work. falling back on default.
music -> default -> test is also dead.

Option 5 looks OK:
5 . Checking your audio setup in four steps for detailed information …

Command: cat /proc/asound/version

Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version

Command: cat /proc/asound/modules

0 snd_hda_intel
1 snd_usb_audio
2 snd_hda_intel

Command: cat /proc/asound/cards

0 [Intel ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
HDA Intel at 0xfe6f8000 irq 30
1 [Headset ]: USB-Audio - CS50/CS60-USB Headset
Plantronics CS50/CS60-USB Headset at usb-0000:00:1d.2-1, full speed
HDA ATI HDMI at 0xfe7fc000 irq 31

Command: cat /etc/modprobe.d/50-sound.conf

options snd slots=snd-hda-intel,snd-usb-audio

u1Nb.ub5J74xk772:82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller

alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel

hhw5.2CQ_bZ6w0G1:CS50/CS60-USB Headset

alias snd-card-1 snd-usb-audio

If this does not provide the required info, then another approach to obtain more
information on your hardware and your sound configuration, is to run the ALSA script.

Press <enter> to continue…

Option 6 gives 1700 lines. I sent it to alsa.project.org. Scanning it, I didn’t see anything jump out at me.

8 crashes and burns:
8 . Stop ALSA, Restart ALSA and then Reload Kmix (For KDE Users) …

Command: /etc/init.d/alsasound stop - /etc/init.d/alsasound start - /usr/bin/kmix

Shutting down sound driver done
Starting sound driver: hda-intel usb-audio done
<unknown program name>(20364)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: “Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.”

<unknown program name>(20356)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.

Just Answer NO to removing any Audio Devices if Asked.

Press <enter> to continue…

This error is caused by kmix, not by stopping or starting the alsasound daemon.

9 says pulseAudio is not installed at all:
9 . Check your Pulseaudio package Installation …

Command: rpm --query --all --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} → %{VENDOR}
’ ‘pulseaudio

pulseaudio-0.9.21-10.1.1-i586 -> openSUSE

You need the several programs (around 8) installed to use Pulse Audio from openSUSE

Press <enter> to continue…

YAst → software management says I have 5:
[Keep] alsa-plugins-pulse Pulseaudio Plug-In for the ALSA Library | 1.0.23-1.9 | 77.0 KiB
[Keep] libpulse-mainloop-glib0 | GLIB 2.0 Main Loop wrapper for PulseA… | 0.9.21-10.1.1 | 18.0 KiB
[Keep] libpulse0 | Client interface to PulseAudio | 0.9.21-10.1.1 | 683.0 KiB
[Keep] libxine1-pulse | Pulseaudio plugin for xine | 1.1.19-2.pm.48.11 | 23.0 KiB
[Keep] pulseaudio | A Networked Sound Server | 0.9.21-10.1.1 | 2.1 MiB

Start says I need about 8. Yast shows 5. Which ones am I missing? Why are Start and yast seeing different packages?

ITem 10 freaks out on oriental fonts. Do I need Korean fonts?
0. Enable your Pulseaudio Sound System …

Command: sudo setup-pulseaudio --enable

Enabling PulseAudio for ALSA…
Enabling PulseAudio for libao…
Default driver is pulse already in /etc/libao.conf
Enabling PulseAudio for mplayer…
Enabling PulseAudio for OSS…
Application aumix already setup for PulseAudio
Application sox already setup for PulseAudio
Enabling PulseAudio for SDL…
Enabling PulseAudio for Timidity…
Timidity already setup for using PulseAudio
Enabling PulseAudio autospawn…
Enabling PulseAudio for Phonon…
Enabling PulseAudio for speech dispatcher…
Starting SuSEconfig, the SuSE Configuration Tool…
Running in full featured mode.
Reading /etc/sysconfig and updating the system…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.desktop-file-utils…
Error in file “/usr/share/applications/kde4/kfontview.desktop”: “fonts/package” is an invalid MIME type (“fonts” is an unregistered media type)
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.fonts…
Creating fonts.{scale,dir} files …
/etc/fonts/suse-font-dirs.conf unchanged
/etc/fonts/suse-hinting.conf unchanged
/etc/fonts/suse-bitmaps.conf unchanged
Creating cache files for fontconfig …
generating java font setup
Warning: cannot find a sans serif Japanese font. Japanese in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a serif Japanese font. Japanese in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a sans serif simplified Chinese font. Simplified Chinese in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a serif simplified Chinese font. Simplified Chinese in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a sans serif traditional Chinese font. Traditional Chinese in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a serif traditional Chinese font. Traditional Chinese in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a sans serif Korean font. Korean in Java might not work.
Warning: cannot find a serif Korean font. Korean in Java might not work.
writing /usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/fontconfig.SuSE.properties
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.glib2…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.groff…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.gtk2…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.ispell…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.permissions…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.postfix…
Setting up postfix local as MDA…
Setting SPAM protection to “off”…
Executing /sbin/conf.d/SuSEconfig.words…

Press <enter> to continue…

Then, I get this KDE error box:
one or more sound devices were removed.
Do you want to permanently forget about these devices?
Output: HDA Intel (AD198xAnalog).

This is my main sound chip on my motherboard. I don’t think I want to remove it, do I?

I would actually love to destroy all traces of suse’s entire mismanaged sound attempt and build just the simplest system needed to supply sound to movies, flash and music.

If I nuke all sound devices, can I re-search for them?

How do I get more useful info from this script?

THank you,


So this really pops out at me. It looks like you have three sound cards, but which one is your default?

 0 snd_hda_intel                                                                
 1 snd_usb_audio                                                                
 2 snd_hda_intel                                                                

If you do not use KDE, KMIX would not be present, but if you do, this would be very odd indeed.

8 crashes and burns:
8 . Stop ALSA, Restart ALSA and then Reload Kmix (For KDE Users) ...            
Command: /etc/init.d/alsasound stop - /etc/init.d/alsasound start -  /usr/bin/kmix                                                                                

This is the list of Pulsaudio files I have installed. I suggest you load them as well.

9 . Check your Pulseaudio package Installation ...                                                                                                            
Command:    rpm --query --all --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' '*pulseaudio*'                                             
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                  
pulseaudio-module-gconf-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                      
pulseaudio-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                                   
pulseaudio-esound-compat-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                     
pulseaudio-module-x11-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                        
pulseaudio-module-zeroconf-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                   
pulseaudio-module-lirc-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                       
pulseaudio-utils-0.9.21-10.1.1-x86_64 -> openSUSE                                                                                                             
You need the several programs (around 8) installed to use Pulse Audio from openSUSE  

I have another script that checks your multimedia setup that might be helpful to instal, message #40 has the most recent version of mmcheck:

MMCHECK - Check Your Multimedia in 10 Steps - Script File, as proposed by RedDwarf

Thank You,

James just down loaded S.T.A.R.T. and did the following:

set execute
-rwxr-xr-x 1 finemanruss users 11328 2011-03-13 10:28 start

Get the following errors:

linux-98qc:~/bin> start
/home/finemanruss/bin/start: line 15: executable: command not found
/home/finemanruss/bin/start: line 104: syntax error near unexpected token (' /home/finemanruss/bin/start: line 104: TST6=" 6 . Run ALSA setup script as a ROOT User (Run Once) Update if’

Trird as root also, same messages.

My pulseaudio is disabled.

Forgot configuration:

openSUSE 11.3 (
Platform Version 4.6.1 (4.6.1) “release 398”
Intel Sound card. (ICH9)
passed all tests in mmcheck.

Hello upscope and sorry for your problems. Basically, you need to recapture the text and save it again as the bash script file has been messed up some how. I just did a capture, saved it and made it executable and it works in openSUSE 11.4. Lets look at your errors:

Line 15 is just a comment line: # Open up a terminal session and type: start, to start the program
Line 104 is also a comment line: # Call Menu and get user input selection

I am thinking you left out something or, deleted something or your text editor is messing up the format. I used kwrite in KDE. If you use GNOME, you most likely should use gedit. Try one more time with one of these editors and get back with me.

Thank You,

It looks to me like the script is fairly generic. Just lop off the OS name prefix…