S.T.A.R.T. - SUSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool - Version 2.00






I have updated the S.T.A.R.T. bash script (works with openSUSE 12.3) with 3 new menus that separate out playing sound file, the PulsAudio testing menu and the Alsa Testing menu. Settings for icon creation have been added to the top of the bash script which are easy to modify if you wish to do so.

In order to use S.T.A.R.T, copy and past the following text from SUSE Paste into your favorite text editor using the download button on the top right.

S.T.A.R.T. - SUSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool - Version 2.00

Then save the text as the file called start in your local ~/bin folder (/home/yourname/bin/start). You can also use the wget command in a terminal session to download start if you like (You must delete or remove the old version first):

rm ~/bin/start
wget -nc http://paste.opensuse.org/view/download/49185505 -O ~/bin/start

In order to be able to run start, you must mark it executable. Open a terminal session and run the following command:

chmod +x ~/bin/start

It is even possible to string all three of these commands together as one. Copy the following command, open up a terminal session, paste it in and press enter:

rm ~/bin/start ; wget -nc http://paste.opensuse.org/view/download/49185505 -O ~/bin/start ; chmod +x ~/bin/start

Then to use start, open up a terminal session and run the following command:


S.T.A.R.T. can be used to enable or disable PulseAudio. It is HIGHLY recommended that you disable PulseAudio instead of uninstalling it, if you want to see if your audio problem is affected by using PulseAudio. As always, I want to hear any suggestions for the S.T.A.R.T. bash script that you may have.

Thank You,

Blogs: asroot : Bash : Packet Filter : C.F.U. : GPU’s : fewrup : F.S.M. : H.I. : nVIDIA : LNVHW : N.S.F. : S.A.K.C. : MMCHECK
S.A.S.I. : S.C.L.U. : S.G.T.B. : S.K.I.M. : S.L.A.V.E. : S.L.R.C. : S.T.A.R.T. : S.U.F.F. : SYSEdit : systemd : YaST Power

S.T.A.R.T. - SuSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool has been upgraded to Version 1.15 and now creates a KDE program icon. Look at the top of the script for settings that control the KDE icon creation. I have modified a couple of tests in light of how openSUSE 12.2 works with PulseAudio.

Thank You,

I have updated S.T.A.R.T. - SUSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool to Version 2.00 with a complete revamp of all built-in commands. The menu display engine has been updated, the main menu has been split up into three additional menus with sound testing, PulseAudio and Alsa each having their own menu. Commands have been updated, and those that no longer apply have been removed. The PulseAudio Volume Control and mixer will be installed for you if they are not present. You can disable anything to do with PulseAudio with a script value at the top if you like. With your pleasure, I present to you, S.T.A.R.T., version 2.00, enjoy.

Thank You,