i want to create a new testuser on my notebook. Well the question is: how to create a new user in opensuse linux -
i guess that the easiest way is the following;
i go to on commandline
i create the new user
and third: and try to switch the whole system to that user
so that i run the whole system with this new (!!) user.
> i guess that the easiest way is the following;
> i go to on commandline
Start yast, user management, add one. Then log-out, log-in as new user.
Don’t reboot.
> i create the new user
> and third: and try to switch the whole system to that user
> - so that i run the whole system with this new (!!) user.
You simply run YOUR desktop as that user, or any other existing user.
There are many other system processes that use their own users for
different reasons. Don’t attempt to change those, till you learn why not
and can argue the point.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)
On Sat 22 Nov 2014 02:06:01 PM CST, dilbertone wrote:
hello dear Opensuse-Experts good day
i want to create a new testuser on my notebook. Well the question is:
how to create a new user in opensuse linux -
i guess that the easiest way is the following;
i go to on commandline
i create the new user
and third: and try to switch the whole system to that user
so that i run the whole system with this new (!!) user.
is this possible
Why, just become root user?
If there are specific tasks you want to run and need to be root
(administrator in winspeak) then look at using sudo and configure those
tasks via visudo, which can be configured to not use a password.
Now in answer to your question for a new user, either use YaST to add
the new user, or from the command line it’s user[add|del|mod]
For example;
useradd -g users -s /bin/bash -c "Test User" -d /home/test -m test
Creating mailbox file: File exists
ls /home/test/
..bash_history .claws-mail .emacs .inputrc .profile .xinitrc.template
public_html .bashrc .config .fonts .local .xim.template
userdel -r test
no crontab for test
ls /home/test/
ls: cannot access /home/test/: No such file or directory
Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.28-4-default
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hello dear Robin hello dear Malcom, great to hear from you boith
many many thanks for the hints - well the issue i am struggling with -is the following;: i want to do some more investigations to find out why kate does not work propperly
everytime i want to open a second kate-process (item) the first gets closed.
the question is: is the system broken or not? Why does kate behaves like this?
Does it behave in any other way - if i create a new user!?
or is the system brocken?
see the things i tried?
martin@linux-70ce:~> ^C
martin@linux-70ce:~> cd ~/.kde4/share/config/
martin@linux-70ce:~/.kde4/share/config> ls -l kate*
-rw------- 1 martin users 151 9. Nov 23:03 katepartpluginsrc
-rw------- 1 martin users 13294 20. Nov 22:24 katerc
-rw------- 1 martin users 3467 9. Nov 22:39 katescriptingrc
-rw------- 1 martin users 60383 9. Nov 22:39 katesyntaxhighlightingrc
martin@linux-70ce:~/.kde4/share/config> mv katepartpluginsrc Zkatepartpluginsrc
martin@linux-70ce:~/.kde4/share/config> mv katerc Zkaterc
martin@linux-70ce:~/.kde4/share/config> mv kateschemarc Zkateschemarc
mv: der Aufruf von stat für „kateschemarc“ ist nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
martin@linux-70ce:~/.kde4/share/config> mv katescriptingrc Zkatescriptingrc
martin@linux-70ce:~/.kde4/share/config> mv katesyntaxhighlightingrc Zkatesyntaxhighlightingrc
As I read this thread, I see you trying a number of things which seem totally unrelated to each other…
You ask whether it’s possible to create a new User and run your system with that User account, yes it can be done and has been described… both creating a User using YAST (the easy way) and using the command line.
From your code snippet, it looks like you have KDE installed, yet you are trying to do everything from a console. Although that is possible, there can be unexpected surprises because apps like Kate are configured specially to be invoked and run in the KDE environment, often requiring special switches. So, do not try to launch or configure Kate and other apps from the command line. Instead, use the graphical KDE tools which will do many of these things automatically for you.
Reading your code snippet, I don’t understand what you are trying to do with Kate, moving directories. Your actions would have no logic I understand.
You should know that with systemd, opening multiple instances of an application doesn’t necessarily create a new process for each instance. Often, new instances of an app are simply opened as sub-threads or processes of a parent process, sharing resources. In any case, because Kate is a graphical KDE app, it may run differently than a non-Desktop app.
Some clarification needed…
First, are you trying to troubleshoot some issue, or are you simply doing some personal research?
Also, are you testing or require launching a console with a different User/security context within a logged in environment (I’d recommend sudo instead of what you may be trying to do) or will logging out and back in as the other User sufficient?