Running MS programs under Suse

This is my first Linux install. Its on a new machine with no MS Windows.

I have a few MS programs that I need to run for my business and what is the “best” strategy for running XP programs.
3 CAD programs and a compiler for PLCs.

Its a bit of a learning curve, but the install went really well and I like the platform

Thanks for any comment

You can use wine (free) or CrossOver (commercial).
The last one has most of the chances to get it to work in an easy way, wine does it the difficult way.

Check google for the use of both of them. But keep in mind, very complex tools that rely on the hardware or the operating system (windows in this case) will often fail to run fluently and without issues.

I can only advice you to use virtualbox or vmware to run windows in a virtual pc to run those programs.

hi, im an noob too when it comes to linux

but so far, I´ve tested quite some apps and games also using wine. It does the trick fine.

You have to install the software using wine, just go to WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X and select opensuse instsaller… once installed u open your programs by just right clicking the install or setup.exe file and select execute via wine, once the setup is complete you should have your program icons on desktop ready to launch, or from a shell, type wine applicationsetup.exe

You can also launch the program exe directly without installing if you have it previously installed on your hard drive but not all programs work if you do it this way. They require to be installed for registry stuff…

Anything you install on wine its copied to on your /home/user/.wine/ folder

if your program is DOS based, you can try DOSBOx instead.

theres also, cedega but its not free

Right, I got Wine installed on the PC.
Actually it looks like Suse already has it installed as it says it is already installed.
However, I cannot find any icons or reference to Wine anywhere ?

I have a XP .exe file which is a selfextracting file.
It will not run when I click on it, on the desktop

This file installs fine in XP

The following output is displayed:

End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive.
note: /home/Kim/Desktop/sp7184z.exe may be a plain executable, not an archive
zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/Kim/Desktop/sp7184z.exe or
/home/Kim/Desktop/, and cannot find /home/Kim/Desktop/sp7184z.exe.ZIP, period.

wine /path/to/your/great/XP/application/your_great_XP_application.exe

How do I get to the command line ?


Statistically speaking, 9 of 10 housewifes open a terminal for that purpose (search in your applications menu).

got it.
bit of a terminology learning curve


Geoff’s Linux tips - wine

> 3 CAD programs and a compiler for PLCs.

  1. WINE may be the way to go for some or all of those programs…


  1. MS-Windows in a VM might be the way to go for some…


  1. native linux programs which do the same job might be best…
    (i GUESS this is THE answer for your PLC compiler needs]


4.if you are STUCK with using a particular MS-compatible program, you
might be STUCK with using MS (see how that works, you might think
‘they’ planned it that way, huh?)

there are experts here on WINE and VM (i’m neither because i am
UNstuck and run no MS at all) but, here are some places you can look
at to see which mix of 1 through 4 above is for you:“autocad+for+linux”“autodesk+for+linux”

good luck, and fill up with patience before proceeding!


Wine can be tricky. As a Windows convert, you’d probably be better off installing your favourite Microsoft flavour in a virtual machine (Virtualbox or VMserver), and then you can run whatever you want from within Linux. I have an XP VM running all the time as I still can’t do without Word and Outlook and Photoshop for some purposes (if only to access old data). You can share folders (entire drives if you want) and copy and paste between Windows and Linux.

i just installed opensuse as well

and when i right click on an exe file, i have this option to execute via wine.

dont know if you have it, if you don’t you should uninstall wine then install back.

though im using gnome window manager, i don’t know if it is/should be the same if you use kde or any other… :stuck_out_tongue:

After you install Wine, don’t forget to run in the terminal this command, to configure Wine:


And FWIW, Wine installs in your “Home” directory, but the folder is hidden, so you’ll have to go to “View” and “Show Hidden Files” if you want to see the fake Windows installation Wine creates in there.