I am sure the problem is with gstreamer, though I am sure I have this
installed. I use xine with Kaffeine so that I can watch tv, but need to
associate miro with gstreamer, but don’t know how to do it. Thanks, d
Many thanks, the last part from the terminal that includes the error
2009-02-14 12:31:36,995 INFO Starting up Miro
2009-02-14 12:31:37,009 INFO Version: 2.0.1
2009-02-14 12:31:37,022 INFO OS: Linux i686
2009-02-14 12:31:37,024 INFO Revision: http://tinyurl.com/cxcwz2
2009-02-14 12:31:37,024 INFO Builder: abuild@build11
2009-02-14 12:31:37,025 INFO Build Time: 1234526584.03
2009-02-14 12:31:37,026 INFO Starting event loop thread
2009-02-14 12:31:37,029 INFO Python version: 2.6 (r26:66714, Feb
3 2009, 20:52:03)
[GCC 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]]
2009-02-14 12:31:37,030 INFO Gtk+ version: (2, 14, 4)
2009-02-14 12:31:37,136 INFO Restoring database…
2009-02-14 12:31:37,137 INFO PyGObject version: (2, 15, 4)
2009-02-14 12:31:37,139 INFO Connecting to
2009-02-14 12:31:37,139 INFO PyGtk version: (2, 12, 1)
2009-02-14 12:31:37,141 INFO Language: (‘LANGUAGE’,
‘en_GB’), (‘LANG’, ‘en_GB.UTF-8’)]
2009-02-14 12:31:37,142 INFO set_renderer: trying to add
/usr/bin/python: symbol lookup error:
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gst-0.10/gst/_gst.so: undefined symbol: