I am trying to run localhost, but am getting the error could not open.
I have installed apache2 and mysql .
Also where will I find www folder.
Please suggest.
SUSE version 10.3 32 bit
I am trying to run localhost, but am getting the error could not open.
I have installed apache2 and mysql .
Also where will I find www folder.
Please suggest.
SUSE version 10.3 32 bit
the www folder comes under /srv. you must have write permissions to add to it
And of course you must start the apache2 and mysql services. You can do this under YaST.
Thank you for the reply.
Under YAST, where is the option of starting Apache and MySQL.
And how to give write permissions.
Please suggest
Hash: SHA1
Yast: System: System Services (Runlevel)
Good luck.
vspunn wrote:
> Thank you for the reply.
> Under YAST, where is the option of starting Apache and MySQL.
> And how to give write permissions.
> Please suggest
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
If you want to start, restart and stop apache2 and mysql anytime, open terminal and type
for apache2:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
(to restart or to stop replace start with restart or stop)
for mysql:
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start
(to restart or to stop replace start with restart or stop)
Thank you all for the reply.
I was able to run localhosta fter I copied a folder into it.
when I opened localhost/formgen/ it show s up blank, where as it is running properly in Windows (with EasyPHP).
I copied the foldder formgen from the www folder in WinXP and copied the same to the htdocs folder under www under srv
WHat could be the possible rasona nd the solution.
Apache and MySQL are both running.
Another question.
How do I access MySQL Administartor?
Hi, make sure there is index.html file in /srv/www/
To access MySQL Administrator install mysql-administrator package and launch it from start menu. (in KDE its in Applications->System)
will the index.html file be a blank file, or we need to have some content in it.
Regarding MySQL Administration, I have already installed it, but am unable to locate it. I am using GNOM display
index.html can be a blank file.
To avoid any localhost problem do the following:
Go to YaSt -> Network Services -> HTTP Server -> Main Host -> Directory -> Edit
Options -> Edit-> Change “None” to “Indexes”
Allowoverride -> Edit -> Change “None” to “All”
Order -> Edit -> Change the order from “Deny,Allow” to “Allow,Deny”
Allow -> Edit -> “from all”
You can launch mysql-administrator by creating a launcher pointing to “/usr/bin/mysql-administrator”
Did that, but still the page is blank.
Whereas the same folder when copied to windows (using easyphp), shows the complete content and works properly.
If you are running PHP, you have to make sure that php5 is one of the modules loaded by Apache. Do the following command to see what modules are enabled:
/usr/sbin/a2enmod -l
Might be some permission problem. You should change the ownership of /srv/www from root to normal user eg. vspunn in terminal like this:
vspunn@opensuse:~> su
opensuse:/home/vspunn # chown -R vspunn:users /srv/www
Will try it on Monday and then inform.
Seems that you are in bangalore. I am in Delhi
No progress. Same old blank page.
Under windows the index.php is opening properly and everything is running smoothly.
I do not understand, why is this happening.
Just giving http://localhost gives success, but when I open my folder by giving the command
a blank page shows up.
I tried opening up a page localhost/formgen/generator.php, the following showed up:
saveIni( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ; if( $bSaveIniOk ) { $sError = checkPass() ; if( !$sError ){ if( $form->ini2php() ) : switch ( submit(“formmail_action”) ){ case “preview” : print "
"; break; case “generate” : print "
“; break; case “addmore” : break; } else: $sError = “Generate formMail fail.” ; endif; // if( $form->ini2html() ) } //if( !$sError ) } // if( $bSaveIniOk ) } //if( $HTTP_POST_VARS"submit”] ) if( $bPublished ): ThkMsg(); else: if( $sError ) errMsg( $sError ); $form->displaySetup(); endif; commonFooter(); // ============================================== function checkPass(){ global $HTTP_POST_VARS; if( !isMail( submit( “esh_formmail_recipient” ) ) ) return “Recipient’s email not valid.”; //if( ! preg_match( “/^([a-z]+|[0-9]+).html?/”, trim(strtolower(submit(“esh_formmail_filename”))) ) ) return “File name for your publishing is not valid.” ; } function ThkMsg(){ print "
Look in /var/log/apache2/error_log to see if your page generated any errors.
I tried another application i.e installing xoops. There was no problem, except I am unable to run mysql.
Where can I look for mysql and what will be the host address.
Please suggest
vspunn wrote:
> Did that, but still the page is blank.
> Whereas the same folder when copied to windows (using easyphp), shows
> the complete content and works properly.
Looks like your using PHP, silly question did you install the PHP rpms you need?
I tried to install xoops on the PC, the installation started by giving the command:
http://localhost/xoops/index.php , and it started doing the installation, so it seems that PHP is installed.
But in this installation, it asks for mysql hostname, which I cannot find.