I try to follow this tutorial http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:Ch19:_Dynamic_DNS and I’ve question could ISP block ddclient traffic or like do I need t odo some port redirection on routers NAT ?
Trying to answer exactly what you posted
could ISP block ddclient traffic
Yes, an ISP can block anything it wants although personally I’ve never heard any block DDNS (often block regular service ports and protocols, though)
like do I need t odo some port redirection on routers NAT ?
Maybe. Don’t know your network topology so can’t say for sure. If you’re asking whether such practice would circumvent an ISP’s effort to block DDNS, I doubt it no matter what your topology looks like.
I’ve solve it, actually I’ve vigor 2700 but I suppose all vigor newr than 2200 =2200 and higher should be supported it works fine
use=vigor-2200usb, fw=
fw-login=user, fw-password=myrooter_pass