Running application as super user

I have problem while execute qtwvdialer app from desktop it does not connect n/w, instead if i execute application from terminal with su command it works fine. so how do i execute the qtwvdialer with clicking desktop icon? what are the settings have to manage in icon properties, could anyone tell me…

To run X-windows applications as root, use the graphical su commands, kdesu or gnomesu.

Did you compile it with your normal user or root? You should probably compile it as your normal user and then see if you can double click on it to launch. Otherwise, you can create a desktop file for your program which can be double clicked and put in the KDE kickstart menu. There is a tutorial here.
Also straight from the website for the application

To run QtWvDialer as normal user you could chmod +s /usr/loca/bin/wvdial and chmod +xs /usr/sbin/pppd (Your path may differ. A which pppd and which wvdial as root should show you the path used on your system)

On 06/28/2013 04:26 AM, nccode wrote:
> if i execute application from terminal with su
> command it works fine.

try adding yourself to the dialout group: go YaST > Security and
Users > User and Group Management > on the Users tab, single left
click to highlight YOUR user name > click the “Edit” button lower
left > go to “Details” tab > on the right side, in the long list,
single left click the box next to “dialout” group > click “OK”
button, lower right > click “OK” button on the “User and Group
Administration” pane >


-open a new terminal, and WITHOUT becoming root, execute it as
yourself and leave the terminal open

-let it try to connect (if it does you are done, problem solved)

-if it still won’t connect, then once the application has
finished/closed: copy/paste the terminal output back to this thread

-using “code tags” as in the instructions here:

if the above does not work then try to use YaST > Security and Users
> User and Group Management to temporarily add a new TestUser, then
log out and log back in as the TestUser and try the application as
that new test user: is the problem resolved?


It would seem like following the developers instructions for chmod is simpler, no? I mean its nice to have options so who knows… I would go with the developer on this one first and then fall back on your suggestion.