when i switch to init 3 i have an error message telling me that /root/…/.kde4/Autostart/rundbus has *no such file or directory *
What is this file supposed to be ?
How can i fix this please ?
when i switch to init 3 i have an error message telling me that /root/…/.kde4/Autostart/rundbus has *no such file or directory *
What is this file supposed to be ?
How can i fix this please ?
There should not be an* /root/.kde4 *at all, because this means that root loged in into the GUI. This is a major sin against all security of Unix/Linux.
i read your link, thanks
let me give you the exact message :
from init 5 or init 3 :
fabrice@linux-bogo:~> su -
Mot de passe :
ln: creating symbolic link `/root/.kde4/Autostart/rundbus’: No such file or directory
linux-bogo:~ #
How can i fix this ?
Comparing your last post with your first post I am not sure I understood you correct in your first post, neither am I now reading the last one.
What has the “from init 5 or init 3 :” to do with it?
When I forget what you say about init 3/5 (which may be wrong to do), I only see
su -
giving an error. IMHO this points to something in your .profile or .bashrc (and the scripts they may call). It could be that there is something broken there because you loged in in the GUI sometime (maybe long ago). You could look there to see if you can find the
ln /root/.kde4/Autostart/rundbus ....
statement. You could also
rm -rf /root/.kde4
as that should not be there. Being an improvement on its own, this may not work in removing the error you see.
Or am I talkiing nuts because I do not see how
init n
is involved in it?
i have this error message i gave you :
ln: creating symbolic link `/root/.kde4/Autostart/rundbus’: No such file or directory
this error appears in two cases :
1- from the desktop (this is gui level, which is init 5 also) , opening a shell and typing $ su - to enter root produces the error
2-from desktop, opening a shell and typing # init 3 to enter init 3 produces also this error.
i never touched .profile or .bashrc on purpose, nor entered a gui application as root (i already knew i should not, this for security reasons which are detailed in the linked you mentioned above)
This is only about half of the answers I expected. What about searching inside .bashrc and .profile for the ln statement?
Reading what you say when you get the error, you get it
When you open a konsole (or xterm) with a bash in it and use* su -*. This is where I asked you for checking in .bashrc and .profile as stated in my earlier post and repeated above.
B) when you open a konsole (or xterm) with bash in it and after you use* su -* to become root (where you get thet error), you then do* iniit 3 *and you get the error again?
My comment on this is that going from runlevel 5 to runlevel 3 the best way is:
. telling the normal users to log out of their GUI sessions because of system maintenance (and that of course includes you working as normal user) because it is not nice to cut their legs from under them;
. use Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to the logical console;
. log in there and do su - to become root (or log in directly as root, this may bee needed dependend on what you are going to do during this maintenance session);
. do the init 3;
. carry on with system maintenance.
Thus my idea is that it is not very usefull to enter init 3 from a running GUI login. I also can not see how a init 3 from the logical console can give you this error, except from the re-login as root (and then it is the same as above).
in default files as hidden files such as .bashrc and .profile it’s almost only commented lines, i told you i did not touch these, meaning it’s still default In other words : no there is no such thing as the error i gave you in these files (i checked).
even if i close session and switch with ctrl_alt_f1 to console i still do have the error mentioned above, i do not understand how it 's there nor how to fix it.
Did you allready remove /root/.kde4 and when yes, what is the result?
When not, please tell me you are not willling to do so (it is after all your system), but you could at least tell me something so I do not have to ask again and again what you are doing with respect to my suggestions.
I am still convinced that it is something that happens on root login. And as such has something to do with scripts run at login. As I am not sitting with you at the keyboard it is not easy to do search on ln statmenet in and around the usual suspects. That is up to you.
I am also convinced that you at least once did a login as root in the GUI. From that point on anything can happen and I can not do detailed guesses on what went wrong then and there. Also I am not going to repeat such a thing on my own system to see if I can reproduce it.
Here’s what i have :
~> su -
Mot de passe :
ln: creating symbolic link `/root/.kde4/Autostart/rundbus’: No such file or directory
linux-bogo:~ # cd /root/
linux-bogo:~ # ls
.Skype .bash_history .config .dbus .directory .exrc .gnupg .kbd .kde4 .kdm .local .pulse .pulse-cookie .xauthkEVJw4 bin inst-sys
linux-bogo:~ # rm -rf .kde4/
linux-bogo:~ # ls
.Skype .bash_history .config .dbus .directory .exrc .gnupg .kbd .kdm .local .pulse .pulse-cookie .xauthkEVJw4 bin inst-sys
linux-bogo:~ # exit
fabrice@linux-bogo:~> su
Mot de passe :
linux-bogo:/home/fabrice # exit
fabrice@linux-bogo:~> su -
Mot de passe :
linux-bogo:~ #
After removing .kde4 -> no more error appears
Now according to what i understand going to init 3 from a root Konsole in gui certainly produced that.
Thus it should only be done from the ctrl-alt-Fn console session and never from gui.
Another question :
how do you go back to the gui session from a Ctrl-alt-Fn session ?
Is # init 5 to avoid for security reasons ?
A few things.
You do
su -
in the first example and
in the second. When you test ‘before’ and ‘after’ you should do the same thing! Else the test is useless! Especialy here where the - option sees that you realy log in as root and that was exactly the problem.
The Ctrl-Alt-Fn combination is used tho switch from one different logical screen to the other. The runlevel of the system is not changed at all. But of course when the system is not in runlevel 5 there are no GUI logical screen and thus Ctrl-Alt-F7, Ctrl-Alt-F8, etc. do not function.
Changing runlvel is something completely different. It means you are starting/stopping a lot of system functions.
And imho it is very logical that one first stops using those functions before killing them.
And thus it is very logical that first all log out of GUI sessions before you go to a lower runlevel then 5.
Same, you normaly first stop using SSH,FTP or other networking before going to runlevel 1 or lower and thus stop networking.
Same, you first stop your car before leaving it.
Same you try to run down your system poperly before switching off power.
Working like this shows you know what you are doing.
As a conclusion from the above it must be clear to you that
init 5
and CTR-Alt-F7 have no real connection. Doing init 5 after working in runlevel 1 or 3 is normal and not a particular security risk. In fact when you boot the system (desktop or laptop, computer room ‘server’ might be different) it will go to runlvelel 5 itself. It is the normal state of the system. So what could be wrong with doing init 5?
Please try to understand what runlevels are
man init
and of course many introductions to Unix/Linux.
And understand that the Ctrl-Alt-Fn keying is something belongen to the X-windows system (and friends) and NOT to, what we could call ‘the basic operating sytem’.