As stated here, with Nautilus, you can set executable text files to be run when they are opened by going in “Files Preferences”
I wonder if there’s such an option in OpenSUSE Leap 42.2 KDE Plasma edition, since simply checking “Is executable” in the file’s properties is not enough.
If you really mean ‘run in console,’ I think you can Create>Link to application and enter the executable’s name in Application>Command and then in Advanced Options click on Run in terminal
That isn’t as straightforward as what you can do in Nautilus as you end up with two files rather than one but I think that is the way one would do it in KDE.
worksforme. I do not remember having set an option for this. And indeed, if there was such an option, I would want it off because 99% of the time I want to edit a script and not run it.
Anyway, just create desktop files. You have more control that way. If your script just runs a single binary executable, then you can link to that directly. And if your script creates text output, you can set the desktop file’s command to “run in terminal”. Also, dolphin has a neat sidebar for konsole, actually more of a subwindow, where you can run scripts and see the output. Yet another much underrated way is to create entries in dolphin’s service menu with desktop files which in turn run shell commands.