How do I run application as root, without using Konsole?
Sometimes I wish to start task manager on system level, but I dont want to use console. I wish to know how, from KDE4 logged as user, run app as root.
How do I run application as root, without using Konsole?
Sometimes I wish to start task manager on system level, but I dont want to use console. I wish to know how, from KDE4 logged as user, run app as root.
Don’t run apps as root. Root is not for applications, root is for your system, so the only time you use the superuser mode of konqueror or dolphin is when you really need them. As root it is very easy to do unrecoverable things, therefor you’d better use the root permissions only when needed.
Since you will find out: what you want is done by ‘kdesu’. Where a normal entry in the menu editor would contain “programname” or “/usr/bin/programname” as executable to run, this would become:
kdesu 'programname parameters'
So, to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you would need:
kdesu 'kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf'
Add a menu entry, with clear statement in title about root perms, change executable according to the above, and that should be it.
This is very important for you: SDB:Login as root - openSUSE
I do not know what a “task manager” is, but I doubt that you need to run such a thing as root. MInd the word “need”. Even if you can, when not realy needed, don’t.
Why? Alt+F2, select “All processes” in the upper right corner.
If you want to kill a process run by root, KDE will prompt you for the root password.
beli0135 wrote:
> Sometimes I wish to start task manager
what is “task manager”?
Hehehe… do you guys have access to Wikipedia?
Even palladium and I know what the general definition of a Task Manager is. But palladium and I want to know exactly, precise and to the last character what the OP wants to start. Thus not “task manager”, but “/usr/bin/…” or whatever. Or when the OP is not aware what (s)he is starting exactly because it is hidden behind a GUI the he could at least tell where (s)he is clicking. We want at least the name where that and only that “task manager” the OP wants to start is generaly know under. We are NOT clairvoyant.
gropiuskalle wrote:
> Hehehe… do you guys have access to Wikipedia?
then why didn’t he just say top, atop, htop, ksysguard or whatever
Gnome/XFCE/etc calls theirs?
butt out, please.
One would usually ask something like “which task manager / application do you want to use” or something. It appeared as if you actually do not know what the OP means. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but this…
butt out, please.
…is just a little to brash for me. Please stop acting as if you were my arch-enemy or something, palladium. There’s no reason to feel attacked after every comment I make.
Folks. Calm down please. The OP hasn’t even replied since the #1 post.
Why don’t we wait and see if he replies and stop all the Willy Wagging
OK it’s “kdesu”…
Sorry, “task manager” was “task scheduler” or kde’s cron…
I just want to know how, to get easily front end graphical interface, and not to type bunch of parameters in command line.
I rarely do anything as root (using su when want to run zypper), but since I didnt know for “kdesu”, I started root session, did things and loggedout…
Now is easier
Well, indeed that is something completely different. And now I will give you some completely different answers.
I hope you thouroughly read the link I provided in my post #3 above and that you now know there are several ways to edit files as root. Either using kdesu, or using a terminal and doing su - and then use e.g. vi.
But, for crontab editing do not use vi, use* crontab -e.*.
Be aware of the difference of between root’s crontab (which is the same feature every user has and should edited wiith crontab -e) and the system crontab, which is at /etc/crontab (and can be edited normaly).
And KDE has the System Settings, where you can find behind the advanced Tab in the System row, the item Task scheduler (or similar wording, I am working from a dutch translation here). When you click there, you can edit your own crontab in a GUI way if you like.
You can also look into the System cron there (that is the one in /etc/crontab, but not root’s crontab). But a fail to see how you can edit there, no button to raise yourself to root access. Looking at the Help doc it seems that kcron can be run as an indipendent applica (and hen as root), but while the krcon package is installed (and used in the System settings as we have seen) just callin it does not work :\
And btw, when you are such a CLI hater, why do you use zypper instead of YaST > Software > …?
And to put straight some possible misunderstandings from your side:
The cron deamon has nothing to do with KDE. It is allready there since the beginnings of Unix. And it is a system feature. No need to have KDE or any DE at all.
And please next time try to be down to earth, do not talk about grand terms like system scheduler, but just say what you are doing: “I want to edit /etc/crontab …”, or at maximum a bit more up: “I want to edit the system crontab file …”. I allways say: “We need facts, not stories”.
@HCW, I am sorry I haven’t made myself clear.
I am not CLI hater, actually, I do most of the stuff in CLI. That is why I didn’t know how to get GUI in root mode
However, in case of KCron, it is far-far-far easier to put up graphical interface and make your task work, then to remember command and all of the parameters, especially if you use it once in 6 months.
Bringing GUI, I can make task work at specified hours, at specified days and all settings within 30 seconds.
Remembering parameters take longer…
I aint lover of either GUI or CLI… I just use what gets me to destination faster. And faster is what I know better
GUI is when I know or rember nothing due to whatever reason
(lack of sleep, hangover, overworked etc)
You are quite welcome and I value your answer.
I myself create/change crontabs now for more then 20 years. Starting when not even crontab -e could be done (you had to copy the crontab with* crontab -l >some-temp-file*, then edit some-temp-file,* vi* of course, and then create a fresh crontab with the now edited some-temp-file). But I still hop to the man cron page to be sure what I am doing .
And you are correct, a good GUI can save time and errors. But it is not easy to make a good one and that shows often. In any case, I often check the real files to see what the GUI did lol!
I thought 11.2 didn’t have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file by default, if you wanted one you would have to create it…am i wrong?
:shame: I still do it that way :\ Guess I hopped to the man cron page too long ago. One of my post-install routines is to cd in my homedir and execute " su -c ‘crontab /home/MYUSERNAME/.system_cron’ ". Thanks for the ‘crontab -e’.
I fail to see the connection of your question to the subject of this thread.
When you want to atrackt ppl to help you on your subject please start a thread in the Install/Boot/Login Forum.