rpm %_topdir - who broke the -?

rpm %_topdir is now “broken”…or, should I say, irritating…

on opensuse 11.1 with rpm-…

rpmbuild --define _topdir/any-thing/with/a-path --eval ‘%_topdir’

why is ‘-’ now changed to ‘_’? this fubars our ant packaging…

on opensuse 11.0 with rpm-4.4.2 or SLES10 and/or older rpm…
rpmbuild --define _topdir/any-thing/with/a-path --eval ‘%_topdir’

that’s the behavior I expect…

ant auto-magically [probably in preparation for rpm-4.6 where they THROW OUT buildroot usage in specfiles…] redefines topdir.

anyone know if this is a “transient” bug which will disappear?? it seems to be deeply rooted in rpmlib…

any help would be appreciated…

not looking forward to editing hundreds of buildfiles due to…umm…irritating changes…