RPI3 => wlan0: no such device

Good afternoon,

I was searching for an AArch64 build to work with tests on a personal project based on the MongoDB 3.4 version. Since I’ve a RPI3 model B v2 and openSUSE released a 64-bit build for it, I decided to install it (the XFCE one [2-2-2017]) on my SD card.

After an installation without problems, I could connect through the WiFi interface (wlan0) and everything was going OK. So, seeing that everything was going nice I continued by using zypper refresh & update to upgrade the system. My bad, because after rebooting my Pi I can’t see the wlan0 interface anymore, I only can use the eth0 one (in fact, ifconfig only displays eth0 and lo). Moreover (and logically), Ifconfig wlan0 up returns that there’s no such device.

That said, is there any kind of incompatibility with the firmware and the WiFi hw on the Raspberry PI? dmesg doesn’t show anything relevant to me.

Thanks for your attention!

Hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:
Yes a known issue :wink:

So, step one fire up YaST date/time and just make sure your timezone is set, then run through the following;

vi /etc/dracut.conf.d/raspberrypi_modules.conf
(in the first line 'add drivers' delete sdhci-iproc)
systemctl reboot

Your wifi should be up and running again…

Hi malcolmlewis and thank you!

Following your instructions drove me to the solution and now I’ve the wlan0 interface working again. You saved me from a deep headache with your quick response, I wonder why sdhci-iproc ended up there when there’s other line omitting its load :O.

However, now it’s time to play with openSUSE on my PI :)!

Keep the hard work, thanks!