My server is opensuse 11.1
I recently wrote a small script to quickly shut down or reboot my server (I needed this because I need to close an application manually before shutting down. The shutdown line in the script was:
/sbin/shutdown -r now
When I tested the script (as root) from the console terminal, It worked just fine but after reboot strange things started to happen if I logged in as root - while the mouse works, the keyboard freezes (rebooting the server does not help). While I can still use console terminal, if I try to start any application that requires root permission or log in as root from my sftp client then I will get an error on the server that says; broadcast message from root (time & date), the system is going down for reboot now!
I have since commented out level 6 in my inittab, so that now when root sends a reboot signal and It shows the message about going to reboot, it does not actually go into reboot anymore because of the commented out line but that is ofcourse not an healthy way to go about it.
How can stop this broadcast from root or stop whatever it is that triggers root from sending the reboot signal?