ristretto freezes after enabling the show thumbnail bar option

Does anybody else have this problem with restretto image viewer that it freezes after enabling the “show thumbnail bar” option? And after that point, it becomes unusable, can’t be closed, only by killing, and can’t start anymore, it shows only an empty gtk window and freezes again. Even if it is loaded without to show any picture.

If you are using ristretto from the xfce repo, I think it has this issue. If it is ristretto from the opensuse 11.4OSS repo thumbnail should work.

Yes, you were right, thak you!

You’re welcome

just for posterity:

for those who enable the thumbnail bar and froze ristretto
type these into a terminal to avoid downloading/installing it again:

xfconf-query -c ristretto -p /window/show-thumbnailbar -r
xfconf-query -c ristretto -p /window/thumbnailbar/size -r

then you can start ristretto up again, just don’t enable the thumbnail bar and you will be okay.

NOTE: this doesn’t fix the thumbnail bar issue, it just prevents the thumbnail bar from starting
with ristretto