I hope this has not been dealt with before, if so I apologise.
Have tried to get along with 11.4, but was much happier with 11.3. Have checked how, or if, its possible to revert. I originally download and installed 11.3, then did the upgrade.
Looking on the web, info seems to suggest that all I have to do is push the undo upgrade button I will find when I push Start. It does not exits, unless I am a bigger fool then I appear to be at times.
Any useful info. would be appreciated.
On 2011-08-04 15:06, leilton wrote:
> I hope this has not been dealt with before, if so I apologise.
Restore from the backup you did prior to the upgrade.
You did read the fine print that told you to do a backup, didn’t you? >:-)
There is a way, but… results are not guaranteed. You have to disable all
repos, then add the ones for 11.3: oss, non-oss, updates, dvd (perhaps).
Then run a zypper dup - and hope.
The same as for an online upgrade (read the wiki page), with the repos
I would do a full backup prior to the attempt.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)