Started YaST2 Software Management a few moments ago and instead of opening on the usual “Search” tab it opened on the “Package Classification” tab with a couple of retracted packages listed.
I look at the package. I then check the “Versions” tab, but it does not allow me to select a different version from the one installed. Using “update unconditionally” was the only thing that worked.
(add in edit): neither “zypper up” nor “zypper dup” want to do anything about the retracted package. But after the unconditional update (via Yast), at least “zypper up” doesn’t want me to update to the retracted package.
I have two Retracted Packages: timezone and timezone -java. I have no Retracted Installed Packages.
Taking timezone and looking at the Versions tab.
There are two in red: 2020b-lp152.3.3.3-x86_64 and the same for i586 from Update (OSS). Not installed.
Installed is 2020a-lp152.2.1-x86_64 from Main (OSS).
For timezone-java it is similar, but the architecture is only noarch.
To me it looks as my installation is as it should be, but I have no idea if I once had the now retracted packages and that that was repaired later.
I’ve just re-installed the retracted versions to enable me to check this again, as I did select the 152.2.1 version from the versions tab, but what I found was it’s first necessary to select one of the retracted versions and then select the version one wants… so yes, a little buggy. But I’ve seen that behaviour before on the versions tab with results of a search…
Checking here, the bad “timezone” packages were installed this morning (7:20 Chicago time, which should be the same as 1320 UTC). Presumably, they were retracted more recently than that.
OTOH, they may be happy with all input to improve this feature. And a bug report might be the only way to communicate experiences (or is there a mailing list?).