restrict zypper to update (ruby) repository

I want to only gem update --local to update rails gem or bundle update and not zypper since that is the recomended way, otherwise it can cause missing dependencies and break gems…
Is there way to restrict zypper to update some repository?? Or is there any better way to update rails/gems

Read zypper’s man page

man zypper

I have no doubt it is described there how to do a zypper up from one repository.

When you use commands other than zypper like “gem” or “bundle” you’re managing <only> repos that come from the official Ruby repos and don’t touch anything that come from openSUSE repos.

Also, you should know that bundler installed from the ruby repos does not run properly on openSUSE, you need to install that from the openSUSE repos. You would then use that bundler to retrieve and install packages from the Ruby repos.

You might find my “How to install Ruby” on openSUSE useful.
For now, an early draft is at

It describes among various things

  • How to install Ruby from the openSUSE repos
  • How to install Ruby from the Ruby repos using the rbenv version switching tool