new to linux - apologies for the following (so used to the “it just works” from my Mac - don’t allow my kids on that though lol!)
have already managed to fiddle and mess things up (I think) and now have a bunch of options to choose from, at boot, other than the original “failsafe” and the standard one
I was trying to get the box to recognise my usb ports at the back of the box (even though I know it sees them cos that is where the workiing printer is plugged in) so that my cheapie webcam would work for my kids
so how, for future reference, do I remove KDE (prefer the simplicity of gnome) and all it’s dependent bits and can I set restore points for when I add things and need to go back?
and then should I use the windows drivers for the motherboard? or is it a case of hoping the manufacturer have done a linux version like nVidia have for my graphics card?
I think I have added too many drivers for the webcam so there are now conflicts how do I sort that mess out?