I am using a VM image provided by SAP on google cloud which runs on SUSE. The original configuration of the image was 36 GB, however, when I created the image I increased it to 120 GB as I knew I will have to install few other components to it. When I ssh into the system I see that the /dev/sda1 is allocated only 36GB.
You choosing OTHER VERSION as your openSUSE version and not telling in your post what that OTHER VERSION is and you talking about SUSE gives me the idea that you do not have openSUSE at all, but a SUSE LINUX Enterprise or Desktop (again of an unspecified version).
More than likely you increased only the size of the <disk> which most likely is identified as sda (not sda1)
After re-sizing the disk, all you’ve done is create additional free space.
You also need to increase the size of any partitions (eg sda1) to make use of that space.
Sorry, but I disagree. Creating a new partition table that has a new (and higher) end address for a partition, will not trigger the file system software to extend the file system that happens to be stored on that partition.
It could be that you used a higher level tool that on your request to enlarge a file system will do all that is needed: changing the partition table and call file system type dependent tools to enlarge (when possible, I still remember file system types that could not be changed in size).
Thinking harder, yes I remember once upon a time that I had to re-size a file system… but that was ages ago. And so I searched and found the following article which describes steps to re-size and the need to re-size the file system.
But, for most of the past decade and a half at least, I’ve used gparted live (and other similar tools, particularly for re-sizing virtual disks) which automatically resizes the file system so to me re-sizing the file system manually is an oddity I only <might> run into some day.
While these high level programs are a lot of help, they will e.g. do things that one might forget, they also have a drawback. People often get the complete wrong idea what is happening. Some even think it is all magic >:).
The fact that these high level tools often go under the general guise of being a “partitioner” does not help in clarifying that they not only do partitioning, but also file system management (creating, enlarging, …), but (at least in the case of the YaST “partitioner”) also manage mount points, create /etc/fstab entries and do the mounting when needed.