Resizing root partition

Hi All.
I have a big root partition by mistake. I want to resize & shrink it.
root partition is ext4. I booted up by the rescue disk.
when I try to resize disk by resize2fs it gives me:
“the combination of flex_bg and resize_inode is not supported by resize2fs.”

What do I do? :frowning:
Any easy way to shrink partition?

Sounds like this bug: #696746 - resize2fs: The combination of flex_bg and !resize_inode features is not supported by resize2fs - Debian Bug report logs](

So you should use a newer resize2fs version.
Factory already contains 1.42.8 in which this should be fixed (it’s not in 13.1M2 yet, so downloading that Rescue CD wouldn’t help either).
You could try to download and install that package in your RescueCD live system:
Index of /factory/repo/oss/suse
Install the package with f.e.:

sudo rpm -U [e2fsprogs-1.42.8-1.1.x86_64.rpm](

Then the resize should work, hopefully.

Note that because it’s a live session, you don’t really install anything with that rpm command. It will be gone after a reboot.

Or you could try some other LiveCD, but it really should be brand new since that fixed version just came out 13 days ago…

On 07/04/2013 12:06 PM, phenomx64 wrote:
> when I try to resize disk by resize2fs

why not use parted or the partitioner built into YaST either/both
should be available in a Live rescue openSUSE?


My tried and true solution for <all OS> is to use Gparted Live
GParted – Live CD/USB/PXE/HD

You get a graphical display where you can create, delete, re-size and move partitions, many operations by simply sliding boxes representing the partitions on the disk.

IMO far better than other partition utilities.


All the graphical utilities give the same error.
I think they use resize2fs backend.
I don’t have tried the latest version.maybe it is solved now.
i solved the problem backing up partiton with acronis,then make the desired partion schema and restore backup into the partiton,and install grub and repair boot with rescue DVD.
It’s a far solution.but works.
It’s foolish that linux wont have the power to do the resize itself.

That’s a good report on Acronis. I have used that successfully for resizing Windows. For opensuse, I would have backed up only “/home”, and then done a complete reinstall after repartitioning.

On 2013-07-04 22:46, phenomx64 wrote:
> All the graphical utilities give the same error.

I expected that.

> It’s foolish that linux wont have the power to do the resize itself.

It does, but it is currently broken, at least for decreasing size.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

You may find System Rescue CD helpful for this. I resized my swap partition the other day by using System Rescue CD version 2.5.1. It has tools for inspecting the current partitioning and easy-to-use graphical tools (e.g. Gparted) for manipulating the partitions. Obviously, there may be restrictions and compromises needed when you start reducing the root partition.

The download is at Download - SystemRescueCd

On 2013-07-06 11:26, hnimmo wrote:
> You may find System Rescue CD helpful for this. I resized my swap

You have not read his post and the answers first, have you?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)