When I use my Linux 12 CD to boot into Rescue System, I am immediately prompted for a userid and password.
I enter my root credentials, but am told that the login in incorrect.
So far as I know, my personal userid and password are identical to root, so that shouldn’t be an issue.
If I enter su and then type passwd, I am prompted to enter my current roon password. i then do so and am prompted for a new one. At that point, I interrupt the process.
If I enter passwd outside of su, I am prompted to enter the password for “joe”, which is the root username and, I guess, my personal username as well.
I then type in my root password and am prompted for a new one.
Attempts to update the password are frustrated by a message that indicates that I am using a dictionary word, even when I enter random letters.
After a number of attempts, I am told that a threshold has been exceeded and I am thrown back to the prompt.
What is rescue login looking for when it prompts for userid and password under Rescue System?
Thanks in advance,