There is a site that offers free Isochronic Tones and needs a maintainer.
Is it against the rules to ask if anyone here could help them out?
I’m not sure if there is a specific rule.
If I see a post about something unfamiliar (such as “Isochronic Tones”) that does not seem related to openSUSE, then the first thing that I check is the “join date” and the number of posts by this person. If this appears to be a very new user, then I wonder if it is spam. For an established forum member, I just stay puzzled about the post, and move on to look at other posts.
I don’t see a problem in asking, but if this results in some commercial URL, I’d ask those interested to PM for more details and not provide the URL in the post.
Thank you for answering, So in essence no URLS in the post even though it’s not a commercial site Pm that info to those that answer.
It’s because it’s a Community that’s what threw me.