I have an 80GB storage HDD that I put in this HP Compaq DC7700 CMT prior to installing Leap on that PCI card PATA HDD.
The past week or so I get a ‘popup’ prior to login asking for root PWD to mount it. BTW, I do Auto Login if that makes a difference.
Why? and can I disable that?
Side note: in retrospect, that is probably where I should have installed Leap 15.
The disk in question appears to only have an NTFS partition.
I’m guessing that it might be your desktop that is requesting the mount. You have not indicated what desktop environment you are using on this computer.
Some desktops mount everything. XFCE is like that. But then I’m not sure why it needs the root password. Typically a desktop will mount for the user.
I am also a little bit confused by your descrption.
But when you want a file system mounted at boot (and when the disk is always connected to the system, that is probably the best to do) then you put an entry in /etc/fstab (you can do that using YaST > System > Partitioner, but of course take care: DO NOT CREATE A NEW FILE SYSTEM (DO NOT “FORMAT”), only enter the fields for mounting.
Another thing is that you do story telling like: command xxx shows this:…
It is much, much better to include the command with the copy/paste you do. If it is there, why not show it?
Thus not
The command uname -a shows
Linux boven 3.12.67-64-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 9 15:56:17 UTC 2016 (35c7b99) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
henk@boven:~> uname -a
Linux boven 3.12.67-64-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 9 15:56:17 UTC 2016 (35c7b99) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[b]update-alternatives --config default-xsession.desktop[/b]
There are 2 choices for the alternative default-xsession.desktop (providing /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop).
Selection Path Priority Status
[b]* 0 /usr/share/xsessions/plasma5.desktop 25 auto mode[/b]
1 /usr/share/xsessions/icewm-session.desktop 15 manual mode
2 /usr/share/xsessions/plasma5.desktop 25 manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice
[li], or type selection number: [/li]
[b]update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager[/b]
There are 4 choices for the alternative default-displaymanager (providing /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/default-displaymanager).
Selection Path Priority Status
[b]* 0 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/sddm 25 auto mode[/b]
1 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/console 5 manual mode
2 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/lightdm 15 manual mode
3 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/sddm 25 manual mode
4 /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/xdm 10 manual mode
And yes it is a NTFS formatted drive that I only use for storage and backups for things I want to keep. The Windows HDD is auto mounted and both are in the HDD slots on this computer.
I was just curious as to why that one HDD is NOT mounted at start up and all the other drives are!.
I can do the 'etc/fstab/(using YaST > System > Partitioner), but it isn’t that hard to cancel the mount request at start up.
When you mean “at boot” with “at start up”: file systems are mounted at boot when they are configured for it in /etc/fstab. Thus, when not in /etc/fstab, no mount at boot.
Sorry to be so dense, and sorry to keep extending this thread.
And I guess I mean ‘at boot’ because that is where the popup raises it’s head, while the screen is all black, AFTER the P.O.S.T and BEFORE the DM displays the desktop screen, and before any graphics are displayed.
I posted what is in /etc/fstab/ above. It only shows the PATA HHD that Leap is installed on.
I have two other drives in the machine, The Windows 10 HDD, and that 80GB Storage drive, both SATA.
SO? if drives are mounted from /etc/fstab/ ‘at boot’;
Why doesn’t the Windows 10 HDD show in /etc/fstab/?
To get further clarification here, do you mean this popup announcement is being displayed even before openSUSE is booting?
I posted what is in /etc/fstab/ above. It only shows the PATA HHD that Leap is installed on.
I have two other drives in the machine, The Windows 10 HDD, and that 80GB Storage drive, both SATA.
SO? if drives are mounted from /etc/fstab/ ‘at boot’;
Why doesn’t the Windows 10 HDD show in /etc/fstab/?
That’s down to you. If you want the Linux OS to mount it at boot then add it to /etc/fstab.
1- picked Leap from Grub2 menu
2- it goes through the booting sequence with all of that fast scrolling text lines
3- then a cursor on a black screen while something is loading/finishing/whatever
4- Now, I get the pop up asking about mounting the Samsung 80GB HDD. Before any GUI.
5- I cancel that popup.
6- Leap finishes it’s boot/start/whatever and I get the GUI.
If I’d do decide to add the NTFS drives to /etc/fstab/ what mount point(s) do I use?
Last time I tried it ‘defaulted’ to /srv and the choice of a bunch of other places under the choices karat (or is it carat)
Can I add my descriptor(s) for the mount point? i.e. /Samsung or /win10 ?
No doubt the answer to this is somewhere in that article hcvv posted the link for above.
Ok, I can understand that. And I do not say that the answer is in that document, but that that doument explains a few basics that, when you understand them, makes communication here a lot easier.
BTW, I read somewhere above that you have automatic login. As your problem seems to happen somewhere on the baundary of boot and login, my suggestion is to switch off that automatic login as long as you are inverstigating the problem. Possibly you (and thus we) will expirence during which of those it happens.
A mount point is just a directory used as a mount point.
You can in principle use every directory as a mount point, but when you mount something on a directory, all that is already in there becomes invisible (until the unmount). Thus people prefer to use an empty directory for it.
What to choose? That depends on the usage. So, it is the system manager that decides.
And yes, YaST has a prepared list of often used mount points for ease of use, but you can type there any path you want.
When the data on that NTFS file system is to be used by a particular user, you could use e.g. /home/<username>/ntfs, or whatever.
You can also use /ntfs or whatever (that does not already exists directly in /).
When you realy are out of fantasy, there is /mnt specialy for the case. Thus use e.g. /mnt/ntfs or /mnt/sillydisk or whatever.
YasT will create that directory when it does not already exist. Take care, YaST will make root the owner, thus when you use a place in the home directory of <username> then make >username> the owner.