request for special [solved] post

Whenever someone opens a new thread on these forums, it’s usually to get help with something. And usually a couple of posts later the issue gets resolved.

Wouldn’t it be great if the post that resolves the issues could be specially marked - a little bit like Yahoo answers where the accepted (marked by the thread starter) answer follow the question immediately and then the rest of the posts follow in chronological order.

It would making resolving issues a lot more efficient.

It would be great if there was a prefix system
+1, though there might another nntp problem with this

On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 19:26:04 +0000, some-guy wrote:

> It would be great if there was a prefix system +1, though there might
> another nntp problem with this

I wouldn’t expect that - changing the subject doesn’t mess with the NNTP
references header. As long as the references headers are kept intact, a
properly-written NNTP newsreader will have no problem following the

A few readers ignore the references header and thread by subject first,
so those would show the thread incorrectly, but AFAIK the ones that do
that, you can turn off the “thread by subject” functionality.
