Request for help on installing opensuse 13.2 onto a new laptop

I have been helping friends installing openSUSE 13.2 onto their computers for the past years and this time it’s a little different. A friend had wanted me to help to install openSUSE 13.2 onto her new E440 Thinkpad with Windows 8.1 and secured boot this weekend. Problem is, this is the first time I’m trying to install on a new laptop with UEFI Secure Boot.

Read the interweb for articles and the most detail description seems like this article ( Frankly, the more articles I read, the more confused I am :frowning:
Appreciate if you can share any first hand experience and/or a link to a good/detail/working howto/article/blog. Really wanted to do a good install and not leave a bad impression for a new linux user.

The partition layout is as shown (

Thanks in advance.

Forget his name for a moment but a reviewer who regularly tries out new distros always puts openSUSE on Windows 8 machines first because it plays best with UEFI secure boot. As I understand it, you may have to disable secure boot to make the installation but openSUSE will reinstate it once it is installed.

No your understanding is not quite correct. In order to use secure boot you must check the box to use it at install . Note it does not matter at that point if secure boot is on or off. But then IMO secure boot does not add all that much more security. If the OS gets a virus that can modify files in the boot chain you are had any how…:open_mouth:

I have installed a dual boot with an installed Windoes 8.1 and a new openSUSE 13.2 on a laptop just a few weeks ago. I used the instructions here
You should disable Windows fastboot as well as it caches some NTFS data which might get corrupted when you write from another system on it. The installation went fine and Grub2 was installed correct. But I had to enable anything in the Bios to get Grub2 booting and not Windows, there was any boot menu entry which I don’t remember.

Your partition table shows only 40gb for openSUSE which seems quite less for me. If you use such a small partition don’t use the default BTRFS file system.


First off, thanks all for the sharing. Finally got a working installation and update here hopefully useful to future users.

Problems encounter when using the Live KDE booting from a usb stick.

  • Upon booting up openSUSE Live USB , noticed that there is no "Installation" option, this should already be a warning sign.
    See image here
  • Booted into openSUSE KDE desktop anyway and used the installer from the menu to perform an installation as normal.
    Did not noticed that the grub2 type is wrong (
    A reboot after installation will result in bios not detecting grub at all and therefore starting Windows8.1 by default.

How I installed successfully.

  • Easy, just download the 4.7GB DVD instead of the other alternate version.
  • Upon bootup of the LiveDVD, the installation option is there
  • The correct GRUB2-EFI type is automatically selected.
  • One important thing to note is to mount /boot/efi as mentioned by many other post.