Request for Android compatibility.

Is anyone interested to build Anbox? Also why virtualbox collides with virtualbox-guest-x11? The second doesn’t give a launcher, how we suppose we get 3D acceleration?

Because your topic is related to virtualization, it’d get a better response if you posted in the Virtualization Forum instead of here.

Regarding 3D acceleration in Virtualbox,

Depending on how and where you might have installed your Virtualbox from (ie openSUSE repos or Oracle website), you might have to do different things to ensure your applications and Guest Additions are up to date and consistent. If you installed everything from oenSUSE, your Guest Additions should match your Virtualbox version and running “zypper dup” for TW or “zypper up” for LEAP versions should ensure consistency, and Guest Additions are installed automatically in your Guest when openSUSE install detects it’s being installed in a virtual machine.

As for Anbox,
That’s something different, if you want to suggest or ask a question, you’ll have to frame your post differently to be more clear what you want… I’d expect you shouldn’t have any problem running x86 Android in Virtualbox or any other virtualization, you’d have to run something else like QEMU to run an ARM version.


Ok lets put it differently, what packages i have to install from the Official Tumbleweed repository in order to have 3D and mouse support? Also how do i move the subject to the Virtualization channel?

You can submit any request to Forum Admins by clicking on the triangle bottom of any post.

The Virtualbox documentation I pointed you to says all you need to have installed is working Guest Additions. Assuming your Guest Additions is installed and working (I described in my earlier post, and I’d expect you’d need to install into your Android VM), and after that you’d need to configure in the Guest VM graphical properties as described in the documentation.

I also mentioned that all Virtualbox Guests have to be x86/x64, and Android is no different… Be sure you’re not trying to create an ARM Guest.

The Guest Additions for Android may not be readily available.
If you have problems with the following, post any questions or issues you may have


You can’t. Normaly you would ask staff ny clicking on the Report button (the triangel with the !) below a post.

But noneed now. I will move it. It is CLOSED for the moment.

Moved from Applications and open again.